Regarding the whole "where stuff drops" issue

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Fehzor's picture


I have a theory, that in order for a system of drops to work fluidly and well each kind of level (or at least each kind of action) can only really give one type of reward.

As an example of this theory, gear requires several components-
-Materials = primarily from monsters
-Crowns = primarily from monsters
-Fire crystals = primarily from boxes
-Orbs of alchemy = primarily from boxes

When I go to craft gear, I never need materials because I get enough of those farming crowns from monsters and then have extra left over. When I go to upgrade my gear I never need eternal orbs of alchemy because I find those faster than radiant fire crystals when I earn those farming Dreams and Nightmares and it is always the case that I either need orbs or fire crystals, but never both unless I'm new to the game and just don't have them yet.

So how would I do it exactly?

To solve this issue, I would like to suggest separating all of the loot in the game such that certain levels are far, far heavier in one type of loot than the others. I'm going to go through some of the main levels and mark them with one of the following terms:

  • Materials = monsters drop 1/20 as many crowns, same materials. Boxes never drop fire crystals/orbs, but have 5x gear drops.
  • Crowns = monsters never drop materials, but 2x crowns. Boxes never drop fire crystals/orbs, but have 5x gear drops.
  • Orbs = monsters drop 1/8 as many crowns/materials. Random mobs spawn boxes at the end of the level when killed. Boxes = 2x orbs, no crystals.
  • Crystals = monsters drop no materials and 1/20 the crowns, but 5x heat. Boxes drop 2x fire crystals, no orbs
  • Loot = no vials/vitapods from boxes, otherwise same as current but with 3x odds of gear drops.
  • This already describes most of the levels in the game so setting it up should be simple-

    Levels Marked Crowns
    Firestorm Citadel
    The Jelly King
    Other bosses
    Most missions
    Operation Crimson Hammer
    Danger missions

    Levels Marked Loot
    Levels that contain bosses/just boxes on the above
    Treasure Vault
    Shadow Lairs

    Levels Marked Crystals
    Dreams and Nightmares
    Missions that include an 'arena'
    Some of the multi-monster set areas (like scarlet fortress, aurara isles etc.)

    Levels Marked Materials
    Compounds in the arcade
    Single monster-specific areas in the arcade (like decon zone, lichen lair.. etc.)
    The daily mission

    Levels Marked Orbs
    Clockwork tunnels
    Special missions with minibosses (sputterspark, Herex)
    Some of the multi-monster set areas (like scarlet fortress, aurara isles etc.)

    And lastly, levels would have a marker of some sort put on them describing the above categories to let players know what they're in for.

    The end result

    Players will get what they want and little else, causing them to branch out in where they desire to play, causing them to want to craft more items and explore more.

    Most of the levels people do are marked with a 'c' for crowns which would be designed to create tension in the crafting system. All of the sudden you have tons of crowns flooding in and no materials, less orbs, less fire crystals.. suddenly, we're all rich with no way to craft or heat gear except the arcade and a few select missions.

    When players want crystals or orbs, they have the option to play missions for those things. The missions they play however will not be generating anything but what they want, and so will not be as well rounded as doing the arcade for these things but less frustrating, as they will find what they are looking for.

    The only way to get materials reliably will be the arcade which will also have levels that generate orbs and fire crystals for players that are level hunting. Materials become scarce, players become hungry to find them.. but the arcade is vast, and houses tons of single-monster levels and compounds, as well as recipes.

    But nothing is too scarce due to 'loot' areas, which provide a bit of everything and so have a very nice payout indeed.

    Jessecho's picture
    mind = blown

    This would be a great change. I can't believe no one thought of this before. Only problem I can foresee is Materials becoming too scarce and getting disgustingly overpriced at the Auction House, but if enough people played in the Arcade, and if people actually started playing the daily "normal" Prestige mission, that wouldn't be so much of a problem.

    Xephyris's picture

    According to reward psychology and game theory just in general, this idea... would be great. Good idea Fehzor. +1

    Bladeofblades's picture
    Just +1

    Like it so much!

    Fangel's picture
    Not bad.

    Separating loot bits up into sections would be great. I suspect heat drops are the same across all levels unless mentioned as you did above. Would allow us to continue heating our gear (i.e., the XP system) and we can get "bonus heat" from specific missions.

    I would even say add these sort of items into a random rotation very similar to our current clockworks rotation, and assign certain ones to missions. This means that the FSC mission (King of Ashes) will always be a crown boosted mission, however the arcade one might be marked materials or crystals. I would say each level set be assigned a certain number of these loot identifiers (e.g., Treasure Vault will always be loot, graveyards could be marked either crowns, loot, or materials, compounds could be marked materials or loot, etc.) with certain ones having more weight over others, like compounds having a 75% chance to be materials and 25% chance to be loot (arcade only).

    This system would be very nice to have, and has potential to make arcade bosses an even better alternative to the mission ones! Imagine an orb themed-Royal Jelly Palace in the arcade. You might be able to find all the orbs you need in one run!

    Dreathuxy's picture
    Disastrous things could happen!

    More cr means more people buying orbs. More obs mean that demand goes down. Less demand = weaker energy value. Weaker energy value means inflation. Inflation means that you have to spend 37373839k ce for an asi vh wep.

    Blandaxt's picture


    I feel more crowns mean less of everything else. Meaning, we won't only be spending crown on orbs, but also on mats. This mean mat prices will rise serving as a counter balance for the crown inflation. So more crowns does not mean bad if there is less of everything else.

    Fight-Beetle's picture

    demand for orbs and mats will RISE due to them being in rarer missions.

    Jessecho's picture

    Not really, because so many common Arcade levels are marked Orbs or Materials, and the "normal" Prestige missions, like White Collar Captives, Nature of the Beast, etc., are marked Materials. Honestly, everything in this idea is really thoroughly planned out.