these ffffing jelly danger rooms

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Legacy Username

these jellies are WAY too overpowered! in danger rooms you can't move, there is 50 jelly what moves fast, hit hard and have thousands of health at t3. in any other danger room if i die, i die only once, but when i got jellies, i lost 18k (+300 energy) so i feel pretty pissed!

Shoebox's picture
I got one before where there

I got one before where there brambles dividing the middle of the room. It was definitely not a solo room.

Legacy Username

>18k (+300 energy)
You must learn when to accept defeat.

Saphykun's picture
Salamander Suit ftw

Soloing the jelly rooms without defeat (even revivals!) is very possible if you have the Salamander Suit and a Firotech Alchemer equipped. Ash of Agni would probably work too, since jellies seem to be very prone to fire.

Granted, I haven't played any jelly rooms below Depth 23, but I'm sure it's possible to solo the jellies with the right equipment equipped.

Legacy Username

@Pupu i lost all my money and energy, and @saph, it should be easier to go danger rooms, without the -Right- equipment like, yes, if you have items what have piercing resistance, and got wild hunting blade, you can go danger rooms with wolvers. but you can do it without these -right- items.

Legacy Username
The problem is mostly the

The problem is mostly the amount of damage the monsters do, especially at Tier 3. A basic attack does something like 8-9 bars of damage, it's kind of insane.

I would be more willing to solo Danger Rooms myself, but I always have some stupid damage every once in a while, and only a few hits will kill you. This is especially true if the room is Skeletons. They seem a bit wonky with their hits, I'm always out of visual range when they hit me, it drives me nuts.

Jellies aren't too bad, honestly. The right equipment and you should be fine.

Ynahteb's picture
The only danger room I can't

The only danger room I can't seem to solo in Emberlight is the Gremlins....I always hated that movie :(

Legacy Username

everything else goes just fine, but jellies own me 100 - 0

Legacy Username
If you wasted 300 energy on

If you wasted 300 energy on revivals, that's your own fault. You have to know when to cut your losses.

They're called Danger Rooms for a reason, you know.

Njthug's picture
Salamander Set Helps

You need Salamander set... and a lot of luck lol

Legacy Username
Hm, i tried soloing jelly

Hm, i tried soloing jelly danger room @ depth.. 26? And i wasnt wearing the right equips, and i got pwnd when the yellows all combined and become that huge jelly.. Grahh lost lots of precious heat..

Legacy Username

I recently got a fire vaporizer MK3.

Danger rooms are almost not a threat anymore.

Get bombs guys, they are THE weapon for fighting crowds.

Legacy Username
The only major problem with

The only major problem with the Jelly Rooms are the sleep jellies, and that's probably more of a problem with the Sleep status itself. You get hit by a random spike (Which might not even be visible through all the other jellies, or because of lag) and you get put to sleep, then surrounded and hit down to ~5 bars before waking up, and it's impossible to escape through the mob without being killed. The punishment factor is ridiculous and it's very hard to safely pick off the sleep jellies unless you specifically make and bring an Alchemer, which many players may not want to do.

Other than that it's perfectly manageable with enough effort, but I don't think it's right that if you're unlucky enough to be sleeped at full health by one of the spikes you're basically guaranteed to die.

Also, it's good to see Three Rings injecting some more difficulty to the otherwise piss-easy Clockworks maps.

Legacy Username
Sleep definitely needs a

Sleep definitely needs a revamp. Even that sleep gas from the giant jellies lasts like 15's excessive. Hopefully they are looking into changing it.

Legacy Username
The absolute worst part is

The absolute worst part is that you CAN'T use the status pill while asleep, so you are guaranteed 100% screwed if you get sleep unless you specifically gear against it. Is there even any gear that protects against sleep?

Legacy Username

I find the lack of sleep resistant gear to be disturbing

Dogrock's picture
I find your lack of faith

I find your lack of faith disturbing

I've only got one piece of armor with sleep resistance, it's a fluke unique bonus.

Legacy Username
d0gr0ck, thatsthejoke



Dogrock's picture
Legacy Username
That's the joke!
Dogrock's picture
Oh no you don't, I know that

Oh no you don't, I know that tinyurl string from hard earned experience!

Legacy Username
Damn it, and I can't go

Damn it, and I can't go tinyURL to tinyURL either... I should have added a "?" or something to the end of the video URL...

Legacy Username
Fallout's picture
damn you carl....damn you -.-

damn you carl....damn you -.- thats twice in one thread

Legacy Username


Legacy Username
I agree.

I have to concur with the chronic lack of Sleep resistance in this game. In fact every armor I've ever seen in this game pushes the Sleep resistance bar the wrong way. This really needs revision.

Obligatory: This is how I Roll.

Legacy Username
Salamander set, + plsu a game

Salamander set, + plsu a game plan equals success.

If you have the room with 80% brambles, there are breakable blocks all riound the outer wall.
This cna be good for back peddling and shooting them with an Antigua line gun.
I personally hit jellies and lichen once or twice and they're dead in T3 thanks to Salamander set.
Target the sleep lichen first too.

The danger room I hate is the skelly + green ghost cats.
Skelly swipe hitboxes seem to home in on you after you're out of range and what 4 green ghost cats it's a horrible fustercluck of bad hitbox detection.
I tend to not bother with danger room sunless the layout is Jelly lol

Pauling's picture
I firmly second the

I firmly second the suggestion that you invest in a fire bomb, like the fiery vaporizer mk II, mk III, or Ash of agni.

If you set it down where you expect enemies to spawn, then you can easily set 5-6 enemies on fire at once, and watch them die from the slow fire damage while you're safely on the other side of the screen. Danger rooms become a matter of running around in circles planting bombs for those who chase you: I'm now able to routinely solo tier 3 danger rooms near the core, without reviving. The early versions of this bomb (2*) are very hard to use (think miniscule blast radius), but after a few upgrades, the huge blast radius makes it easy to ensure that all your enemies are taking continuous damage, with very little direct risk to you.