This game is awesome. It's fun, the battle system is a lot better than most browser-based games, and it's completely addicting. The only problem I have is the energy system. 1) it runs out too fast. 2) it takes FOREVER to regenerate if you don't have mist tanks, or if you actually buy it. If this game didn't have the stupid energy system, this game would be the best thing since sliced bread. I would play it for hours, trying to get my heat levels up to max, then going out to get more crowns for better equipment. But because of the energy thing, the game is completely ruined. If it was just removed, or at the least, that the energy would fill up faster, this game would be perfect. This is the only game I've seen where the whole thing was ruined because of one thing.
Why energy?
Is this a suggestion thread? If so, it should go in the Suggestions section.

kakashin ask yourself "how does OOO make money from this game?" purchase of energy is the answer
if you dont want to buy with real money thats your choice just buy it for Crowns ingame

Remove credit card from wallet. Buy Starter Pack. Energy "problem" solved.
You get a little bit of play for free each day. If you want to play more, you have to pay, or find a way to earn enough crowns to buy CE on the exchange.
I spent a bit of money on this game and I don't regret it at all. I get a very fair value for my dollar in terms of extra playtime and leveling equipment. I don't sell CE for crowns, but if I decided to, 7K crowns for about 30 cents of CE is a good deal, too.
Well, I suppose you could move the game to a monthly fee based system.