Hello! A very large project has been under construction for many months and has finally been published - we want to know what you think, because these lists are for you! We are looking for feedback on the recent changes we've made to the following pages:
After reading the "about gear lists" guide near the top of the lists, please state any concerns, compliments, and criticisms here. Most importantly, report any mistakes you see! These lists were made by volunteers with the goal of making items with desired properties easier to find and understand for new players and veterans alike.
If you wish to see the technical changelog of this project, please read through this enormous thread .
Known suggestions/issues:
-Add and maintain an item count to the page. Like, there are X number of swords total, X of which are 5-star, X of which are 4-star, etc.
-Elaborate on what the bar values mean. We don't actually know, sorry! Best we can provide is "this has more or less" and damage tables on individual pages. Someone might be working on figuring out what the bar values (quantified or not) actually mean in the face of heating and depth influence!
-Sort the list in a binary manner, or not? Reasons and logic outlined here, please leave feedback about this issue in this thread!
-Small browsing devices such as phones or certain laptops will not be big enough to display the table using default font size in the most aesthetically pleasing manner, but the data is still there.
So, I'm posting with only the armors page finished, so I can compare between the old version and new version. The new version is a lot cleaner and gives more info up front with nice, shiny icons to tell you what it resists or is vulnerable to and rolling over the icons tells you how much. It also allows you to organize by status so if you want to find something with say, fire res, you can do that by clicking on the little icons above each status on the table.
Overall, I'm really happy to see this new format, it's fantastic.