I play neotokyo sometimes
Neotokyo is a cyberpunk shooter that when configured right will rival games created by other companies, such as square enix and microsoft. This is not a fast paced game, this is a clever little thing that is optimized for slow, enjoyable, intelligent combat. At it's best you voicechat with teammates and form strategies. If you are bad, you are punished. If you use counterstrike or cod strats, you will also die. It's also about map awareness and trapping opponents, etc. The most notable feature is the ghost which acts as a flag that everyone can see, but will also let you see everyone. It's well polished, but you need slightly better graphics to make it perfect for most people, and you need to find a server at the right time.
Add me on steam, I can teach you the mechanics of this wonderful game.
Anybody play any other games?
Sun, 06/28/2015 - 10:39
I play Warframe these day around.
A game where you are a space ninjas that use magic to fight an evil empire among other thing.
Better Descriptions:
It's a Third-Person-Shooters wich you can play either as a fast paced shoot all the moving thing game or (more or less) a stealthy ninja simulator where you stab the enemies and hide yourself and in vent and stuff.
Link: https://warframe.com