Hey, hammy here, and it has come to my attention that the new players in spiral knights don't really know how to cap, well of course they know how to cap, but they don't know how to cap efficiently. Knowing how to cap efficiently is how I win most of my games, and even if you don't know how to fight that good, you can still become a valuable player on any team, even without the damage. So here is a step by step guide on how I think you can cap efficently, and win games!
Step 1. Always make sure the point nearest to your based is always capped. Reason why is because that point is a good way to distract your team, if that point isn't capped your team won't bother going to cap anywhere else because they are to focused on that one point.
Step 2. Decap a point and quickly move on to the next one. By using this tactic you will be able to distract the enemy team with the decapped point, so they will move all their attention there, which gives you just enough time to cap the next point that you went to.
Step 3. Tag team capping - tag team capping is a tactic that can help you cap more points in a short amount of time. This process is done by decapping a point, and as soon as your teammate come to assist you, bolt to the next point . This to me is a good wait to cap 2 points at once, but a con for this tactic is you cap a little bit slower so always be ready to fight for the point.
Step 4. Double team capping - one way to double team cap is by capping points with a guardian, because guardians would be able to guard you while your fighting off the enemy, and while the guardian is guarding you, it will be capping the point at the same time.
Step 5. Back capping - this is something most of you have probably heard many times befour, back capping is the process of sneaking past all the violence and capping a point far away, this tactic is usually used when you're being camped on.
These are just some of many strategies that I use to cap efficiently and win games, I hope this has helped some of you xD.
Spam Antigua with AA