who else is bored with this game already >?.

Pay attention to these UI tweaks they hint at some potential content in the works. ;)

So much to train weapon wise, so many weapons and armors I need which means more training. Only negative is not that many players on all the time, so I end up solo'ing and when I would like to do pvp there is never anyone on =(.
Do you understand the concept of a closed beta?
This isn't even a closed beta.... yet.
Pretty much of a get a feel bout how things are gonna turn out preview.

well ive been here for over a year, and im still going at it. gotta admit i miss the old sk still, and this sk kinda is getting boring ( mostly cus my guilds disbanded from this particular game ). im not worried, the game will get better. i guarantee.
There's no "is a closed-beta" or "is not a closed-beta yet", it's a preview event. No beta-stages have been named by any of the devs. So there's no real way for us to determine how far the devs see their game at the path of development.
On-topic: I'm not playing anymore either because I'm forced down to grinding the same very small amount of content over and over again, which is boring. I know we're here to test it, but for a lot of the testing we require (since recently) hard-to-obtain crowns, energy and recipes. That means I'd have to grind too much in order to be able to test properly, which is not something I want to waste my time on frankly.

There's no "is a closed-beta" or "is not a closed-beta yet", it's a preview event.
Pretty much, any time the word "beta" gets tossed around it's always from the statement of a player, never a dev. Actually, here's a link to the most official statement of progress we've ever had. Basically the beta terminology is entirely invented by the players.
It'll be nice if the devs upped the crowns gained from monsters.. So we have.. More stuff to tests :D
Actually they'd better up the crowns, sell every recipe at Haven and get rid of the energy system I believe. That is, if you want proper testing to happen. Right now the game seems to be running on somewhat of a business model with the idea to make profit from the game. I don't think testers should be having to pay the same as regular players at release? There is a bonus linked to it of course, 25% extra, but players are still being forced to pay for a game at a stage with only so little content still.

Players are not forced to buy energy no one is telling us to go buy x amount of energy. If you like the product and are willing to invest in it by buying energy its your decision. If the preview event was so easy by having everything given to us it would really take away the whole point of the preview event. There goal is to make sure people like this game. If they give everything in haven no real gameplay would take place which could just lead to a lot of boredom and make this game feel really easy.
"Actually they'd better up the crowns, sell every recipe at Haven and get rid of the energy system I believe. That is, if you want proper testing to happen. Right now the game seems to be running on somewhat of a business model with the idea to make profit from the game. I don't think testers should be having to pay the same as regular players at release? There is a bonus linked to it of course, 25% extra, but players are still being forced to pay for a game at a stage with only so little content still."
Of course part of the problem is if energy is so integral to the final product, it needs to be balanced as new components are added. Same thing with recipes. Are the recipes available enough from the vendors? I'll be honest, I think the low level recipies could use a boost. I've very rarely had problems finding pepper box recipes for sale. However, the recipe for the autogun required to build it? Painfully difficult. Same thing with finding a spur (actually ended up having someone else buy a premade spur, but I'd rather have recipes for the entire chain for future production) for the arc razor. Arc razor? Easy to find. I even have a winmillion recipe. Spur? Not so much.
Do crowns need to be balanced? Yes, but balanced towards the price of recipes and premade items, not balanced to the exchange (which would cause inflation), which is what a lot of people "want."
The question regarding the energy system is if OOO wants to use a meaningful micropayment system, then how are they going to control free vs paid content?
I agree with JPINFV. I'm not going to outright and say the system should be one way or another. But there is a feeling of a lack of balance. Certain recipes are very difficult to find. And yes, inflation is a serious problem, I saw nothing but a steady increase in the cost of enegry (In crowns). And when is it coming back? I want more play! hehe. Just my 2 cents.

Why are we talking about this in another thread? All this commentary on the Energy Market and Crown drop rate... I feel like I'm watching mainstream news, not reading a forum about a game.
We're talking about this in another thread because right now the energy system and the in-game economy are (when combined) broken for numerous and a variety of reasons. Part of the problem is a lack of content (which includes crown sinks that aren't recipe related) in order to both discuss, complain about, and balance other components (recipe availability, cost, etc) to.
Part of the problem is everyone comes in here thinking they're unique with the "we needz morez crownz for morez energies!!!111oneone!!" complaint, which means the broken record has to spin explaining how the economics of micropayment systems work in relation to an in-game exchange.
Personally, I would be completely okay with this game having a monthly fee if it got the level of development that a proper p2p MMO got. I've already put around 150 hours into this game , and am continuing to put in more, and I've already made up my mind that this IS a game worth spending money on. The only reason I haven't bought a 20 dollar pack so far is because I want to see if the developers are going to keep allowing this game to evolve as a proper MMO should, or if they're going to, basically, say 'good enough' and cash in on it as many microtransaction MMO makers do.
Remember though, guys, that right now we're in a phase of testing. We're testing the current content out to be sure it works, finding and fixing bugs, ect. It might not be the developers' intentions to start pumping out additional content until the core of the game is confirmed to work. (dohoho) This is just a hypothesis on my part, but we might not start seeing lots of new content until we're closer to the actual release of the game, though the fact they're already selling energy makes me hope that's what their intentions really are. In any case, the only thing we can do is play the game, provide feedback, invite others, and encourage others to do the same. Only good can come from more Spiral Knights joining the ranks.
EDIT: Oh, also, I've never bought Crystal Energy and haven't had to wait for my Mist to recharge before I could do anything since I spent my first 100. Though, I assume this might not be the case for our T1 newbies anymore due to the sky-high prices of CE these days compared to back when 4k was considered 'overpriced'.
In reference to the Original Post:
This game isn't even in a technical Beta yet. A Beta is a nearly finished game that is basically in testing. Sure, a few things get added/changed in a Beta, however this game gets constant content updates. I don't think the terms Beta and Alpha even apply to the typical MMO, which gets constant content improvements. If you were to use either word, it would definitely be in an Alpha. An EARLY Alpha. Three Rings has been adding content in what seems to be regular intervals since I've started playing (Excluding Christmas of course). Game development takes YEARS, especially for a polished, complete, fun game. Three Rings has made the last part. The game is fun. It's not complete, and it's not remotely polished either (No offense guys, but there's a ton of things that could use improvements. I'm sure you all know that, as you probably get constant feedback about what the game could do better). In either another thread or this one, someone from the development team (I think nick) mentioned that the team is small. This isn't Nintendo, or Capcom, or some other company that can roll out games left and right and have them all full of content, be essentially bug free, and also be nice and fancy in every way imaginable. I know from personal experience that programming can be a VERY long and tedious procedure. They do their own preliminary testing before releasing anything to make sure obvious bugs are fixed, and the easily encountered issues are gone. You think that takes hours? It takes DAYS, if not more. That's JUST the bug testing. That's not including actually programming the content, which can potentially take even longer, depending on what they are programming. This doesn't just magically pop into existence like you guys seem to think it does.
So you're bored? Fine. That's nice. But don't you dare complain about the fact that the game is lacking content when the developers ARE adding content as they can. This stuff doesn't just happen, it takes hours, days, months of work. Can't wait? Tough.
Since they've gone the first mile and admitted the system is broken, I highly doubt they will just give up. They have shown the initiative to work on the situation, and as I said in other threads, you must give them the time to do it. They will fix it, but they have to figure out how they will fix it. I would not be surprised if they are going over many ideas in great detail to see where it won't work and where it will, and eventually they will implement a fix on the whole Energy system. Time and patience is required.
No doubt, that fact that they can admit something is wrong with something fundamentally ingrained into the game gives me high hopes. I really want this game to succeed, it's fun to the point where I don't even give the energy system much thought. However, I do realize that things will not be this way forever. The fact that 90% of us would be incapable of playing without the other 10% that bought energy and are selling it is a definite symptom of something being wrong. Though it did make for an interesting economic system..

Since they've gone the first mile and admitted the system is broken
Quote from Cory's post in this thread
"This is a dangerous topic for developers to tread upon, but I do want to let you guys know:
This is the first phase of the Preview Event. Right now, we're mostly just trying to get players into the game, see some early behavior patterns, and most importantly, make sure things on the technical side aren't horribly broken.
In subsequent phases, we're going to be focusing much more closely on the energy system, payment models, and getting all of that stuff where it ought to be.
So! Do know that we're listening to your ideas and concerns. If you don't see movement right now on things, it's not because we're not interested; we're just not to that phase yet. We'll be shaking things up in the future, and though it might be a bumpy ride, in the end, we hope to provide options for numerous different playstyles."
@Njthug: We are being forced to buy CE with real money. The game requires CE to have all the content available. That CE is only available through purchases with real money. Basically, this game can't run without some people spending real life money, which comes down to people being forced to spend it, be it voluntarily or not.
@JPINVF: True, everything needs to be balanced, including drop rates. In my opinion though, if you want to balance multiple parts of the game properly and efficiently, you don't do it all at once. First balance equipment and monsters, wipe, and then balance drop rates? Right now it's all thrown on 1 big pile, leaving a big part of weapons/armor testing done very poorly because of the low accessibility?
@Polantaris: For me personally, I'm not complaining that the game lacks content. I'm simply stating it's why I've stopped playing until something new and exciting is released again. I do hope their intention is to add new monster types and gates in the future, which is what I personally feel that's lacking in the game rather than a core or such.
For the "broken" energy system, Shoebox already pointed it out :P

The people who buy crystal energy like myself choose to do it because it makes life more easier for us, and helps the players who cant afford crystal energy at the same time. A player like myself does not have all the time in the world to save up to 300k Crowns or well time out what items I wish to sell etc. I choose the easy way out and buy the energy to gain more crowns and well be able to buy what I desire. The game provides you with options where you do not have to buy crystal energy as well, you can 1. Wait for mist energy 2. Save up crowns to buy energy 3. Trade materials, weapons, and armors for energy or even crowns which you can turn into energy. This game can not run without someone spending real life money, but you have to keep in mind if no one is spending real life money this company can not run either which means no spiral knights. People who buy crystal energy choose to no one is forced to at all, if I did not buy crystal energy I would of just did a lot of run's and sell a lot of materials and most likely sold a lot of the rare weapons I have to buyers.
I know Nj, that's my point. The game is running on the business model for when it's to be released, while it's still got so much other balancing to do before there's even the need to implement that system. I don't see any purpose in the energy system game-balancing wise for anything other than balancing the actual energy system. However, the energy system is given no attention at all by the devs for another while, which leaves it lying around at the moment preventing decent testing to be done.
I half-agree with you, Evolution. It's very possible to do very well for yourself in this game without every spending money on energy, however, we'd be in a rough spot if nobody was selling energy for crown.
EDIT: I think one of the more troublesome problems would be how they'd compensate the people who have bought CE already if they ever modified the energy system. I doubt they can just take the CE and give everyone their money back, likewise, they can't just convert CE into new amounts per purchase because people have already been promised X amount of CE + 25% more.
@Evolution, That's a perfectly understandable position, and I'm not arguing it. My post was more directed at the people, like the Original Poster, who don't seem to understand development concepts, and seem to expect that a game in development will have content spawn out of it's ass from no where every day.
Unfortunately a system like Energy would have to be implemented from the Get-Go like it has been done here.
If they implement it on release, then hundreds (if not thousands) of people who joined during Preview Events would dump the game right there because they don't like the whole idea. Plus, it could potentially run into this problem it has now, except during a released-state, where all of these excellent reasons people (like myself) are giving for the state of things wouldn't be valid.
No, an intricate part of the game like the Energy system had to have been implemented from the start. Though I do have to say that they should have done something to help players not willing to pay just yet, maybe surveys for free CE, or some site activity (like perhaps posting, or giving suggestions/bug reports) for some free CE would help greatly.
Energy is indeed a very important part of the game, yes. But it also is the main system that generates profits for OOO, and makes the "free to play" limited. In my opinion, you can't do proper overall testing of the basic elements of a game if its accessibility is limited. That is why my opinion is that the energy system has been implemented too early. I'm not saying its appearance should have been postponed until the release of the open-beta. Just later up in the preview events would have been a lot better. At a time where the devs actually have time to spend on tweaking the system here and there, depending on the testers' feedback.

The only reason I think the Energy system is needed right now is because of this:
1. Allows them to receive real feedback from the players (Which means, this is basically the final product in the sense a lot of content is still missing, but what we have right now is how most of the game will be like different maps, weapons, and armors which use energy) So they can fix small tweaks here and there and improve the system as they see fit. Most games which have dual currency (1 currency usually cost real-money) has many problems due to the system not being as fair to all players. Implementing energy in a early stage such as preview events allows them to gain the feedback necessary to correct any problems the energy system may have.
2. Allows people to get a real feeling of the game, and are not surprised once it hit beta (Or w.e stage it will be called) that "Omg now I need to pay to go do a map etc.".
3. Players who are playing during the preview events can discover new ways to make energy, and this further helps the devs gain feedback to check if the game is fair.
Now An Add-On Thought:
Being part of the preview event for Spiral Knights has many positives which I will state:
1. We get our energy back with 25% more (Which is pretty good deal)
2. We know which weapons are good and which are not (Personally I have a big inventory of weapons, and now I realized which weapons are actually worth having and which are pretty much not worth it)
3. We know a lot of the maps so once the new stage comes out we will be zoom'ing through the game faster.
There are probably a lot more positives, but these are just a few that stood out to me.
Yep. There a serious lack of content. Maybe when they implement the core things will get more fun.
I'm still going because collecting weapons and stuff.