I aim = People accuses me of Auto Target
I turn on AT for whatever reason = People insults me
I use Guns = People insults me
I use Pulsar = People insults me
I stay at base because I don't want to deal with 4+ bombers and spammers spawncamping = People insults me
I refrain from fighting players far away from points because i'm actually focusing on capping/defending = People insults me for running away
I report someone for racial slurs = I get banned for joking with a friend, NOT even insulting or talking to someone else. (Person I reported didn't get banned)
I'm playing for fun with different weapons = "noob tryhard didn't even hit 20k"
I go swords only, no AT, no running away and with "manly" playstyle = "You're annoying"
I lag and die = They immediately have to say or do something (ex: Teabagging)
I get annoyed and insult like they do = Insta ban
Can I have a match where I don't have to add more players to the ignore list?? I understand people needs excuses to lose sometimes but why almost every match? i'm not even good..
(╯✿°Д°)╯︵ ┻━┻
It's because of the theory of Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Jerk.
That and everyone in Lockdown gains 666% more salt and 69% more edge.
It gave me a papercut.