I made this as a copy of TehEpicWin's thread so i can resist lightning because of their being a rule in that other game where you cant resist lightning unless being part of pi's army
There was an implosion.
Then there was nothing.
And then the universe began all over again.
This universe has been restarted numerous times as the gods battled fruitlessly over several eternities. Across all existences of the universe, there have been a few rules that always repeated. They are known as The Seven. The acronym AELIAD means Across Every Location Including All Dimensions.
1) Rules CANNOT be changed or destroyed AELIAD.
2) Rules CANNOT contradict each other AELIAD.
3) Gods CAN create new rules AELIAD.
4) All rules MUST include AELIAD.
5) Rules need not be relevant AELIAD.
6) Gods CANNOT be changed by ANY means from a source other than themselves AELIAD.
7) The universe WILL implode once 40 rules other than The Seven are made AELIAD.
So here are my rules
1. I am the only one (in this version) who can wield lightning and curse related items, wielding curse if your not in my colony will curse you and you will decay, while wielding lightning when not in my colony will strike you with lightning and you will die AELIAD
9. All humanoid slimes are instakilled by lasers AELIADITEU.
10. All Wolvers are the superior intelligent species AELIADITEU.
11. Only Wolvers and the whitelisted Slimes can use Fire, Freeze, or Poison related ANYTHING, if using Poison and not the superior species OR Toxigel/Toxoil you shall die from one of the following: influenza, measles, or rabies, if weilding Fire and not a Wolver/Slime of Normal, Sleep, Shock, Fire, Poison, or Freeze, you shall disintegrate, you shall succumb to hypothermia if being a non-Wolver/non-Quicksilver/non-Ice Slime AND utilizing Freeze AELIADITEU.
12. ITEU "In The Entire Universe" must be added to AELIAD in every rule henceforth AELIADITEU.