Totally green behind the ears and wanting to know what is the best way to meet a few friendly people.

So I am incredibly new to the game, and new to modern MMOs in general. (Haven't really been playing online games since Ultima Online in the late 90s.) Whats the best way of joining up with some friendly faces here if I don't have any real life friends into the game?

Keep a party open, and say "Hi" to anyone who joins. If you can get a conversation going during a run, you'll likely end the run with a new friend or even a guild invite.

I recommend doing a Clockworks run, because a majority of the people who do it are usually veterans. Going off of what Traevelliath said, if they're courteous enough to say that they'll be leave soon as a heads up instead of outright leaving the party, then that's a good sign.

Potential guilds look for certain things in new players
The bad ones invite anyone and everyone in an effort to draw in CR to the guild treasury.
The good ones look for skilled players, as a young knight in the game it can be hard to stand out. I would suggest NOT blindly attacking enemies, instead take some time to observe them, lead them around the room, study their movements and their tells. Learn how to work a variety of weapons. Do this and you will end up outliving many of the other more powerful knights that bludgeon their way through the game.
Of course a good personality is helpful too....

Most of the best guilds I've been in look for pleasant people, not the best people. A bad player can learn the game. A total ******* wont change without an intervention from trusting family and friends.

It really depends on the person and you can't learn all about a knight from just meeting them in haven or in the arcade. Heck you won't know everything about a knight even after months. In general though I try to only make friends with knights who actually impress me with their skill (likeability is a factor but if you don't have skill then it is iffy).
Take me for example.
Meet me in the clockworks your impression will be that I'm a skilled knight.
Meet me in haven you'll find I am generous with information but stingy with my CR and other items.
Meet me in guild chat you'll probably end up thinking I'm a huge [redacted].
Call me for help (spark, revive, battle, etc.) and you'll think I'm an angel.

If you look in the guild forums you would find a post by me advertising a guild, unless you have a bad behavior you would do well there.
i know that the guild master would love to have someone aboard who is willing to learn and full of good behavior. As you would find, we try to help new people and are always willing to lend a hand in a mission or a search for a particular recipe.

I don't think keeping clockwork parties open and greeting people is effective anymore. It worker in 2012, but not today.
Your best bet is a guild. And they are easy to join if you prove you are a nice, friendly person. Just stay away from LD guilds, those might not suit your tastes too early on. They are more competitive than laid back (Been in Aurum before, was a bit too demaanding of time)
Haven't played since like, many, many years. :'D
Welcome to the game. Here are three ideas:
A. Some players might read this thread and befriend you.
B. When you do a mission or Arcade run, keep your party open, so that random knights can join. If you like any of them, then befriend them.
C. Join a guild. Check out the Guild Recruitment forum. Or read some pages from Category: Guild on the wiki. Or stand in Haven asking people about their guilds. Or visit open guild halls in the Garrison in Haven.