Prior to this patch, it seems like the Vog Cub set and the Grey Owlite shield was the standard endgame gear. Now that enemies actually deal pierce damage, and fiends deal shadow damage, I'm wondering if that's changed. For example, is the Wyvern Scale shield now a better bet than the Owlite, since it has normal and pierce defense with Fire resist? Are there other pieces that are now much more valuable than before? I'm just looking for opinions. Thanks!
Should I get new equipment for pierce/shadow damage?
Vog Cub + Owlite are still great for Vanaduke runs.
You just need piercing (and normal) for everything else, especially Jelly.
So, my advice:
Figure out what you want to be (gunner, swordsman, bomber, etc) and then pick the *best* piece of armor for that role. Make that your base piece of armor. For me, it's an UV Vog Cub coat (I like speed, I use swords). Vog Cub is great for obvious reasons - you need good normal and elemental protection after all.
Then swap out your helmets and shields as needed. You probably only need 2 shields. Here's what I use:
Grey Owlite
Barbarous Thorn Shield
Then I jump between helms as needed:
Divine Mantle
Skolver Cap
Vog Cub Cap
If you don't suck, now how to block, it's easy after that. As such, I'd argue that some pieces are simply useful now.
NOTE: I'm assuming people don't want to buy EQ for each strata.
tl;dr - Yes
Just throwing it out there (in response to the previous post),the poster mentioned to look carefully at your equipment and your goals.
For some sets, the helm gives a better bonus than the armor.
For example, if you are a bomber running with volcanic demo, the helm gives a CTR medium, whereas the armor gives CTR low. Don't just assume the armor is better than the helm because someone else's set suggested it ;)
i'm currently crafting an alt set for JK solo runs.. deadly virulisk set. piercing defense and jelly damage bonus! not sure how useful it is for other situations, but its pretty much dedicated to JK :)
I don't really have the time/energy/crowns to make alternate sets, unfortunately. I've got Vog Cub set and no 5* shield yet, so I was thinking it might be worth getting one with heavy Pierce defense. Sounds like I might need a couple different ones, though.
yeah since the energy costs went up, alt sets are going to take me some time to acquire. but if i didnt have new weapons/armor to strive for, I wouldnt have much else to accomplish in terms of goals.
Drake-Wyvern-Dragon sets have Piercing/Elemental defense, actually.
Only Spiral Scale has Normal/Piercing, and there's no 2* to connect them.
Given this, I think some Normal defense in your defensive equipment is still highly favorable, as everything except for projectile attacks and some stage hazards deal some Normal damage.
I do recommend getting armors offering Piercing and Shadow defense though, both for the current coverage, and anticipation of their next prominent show.