Looking for friends and some help
Mon, 08/03/2015 - 04:51
Hi guys i am total newbie so i am looking for friends in game to show me and explain me game content :)
anyway i have one little problem i keep getting DCs and no idea why,i am from europe my internet speed is 10 mb/s (download speed around 1 mb/s)
any idea what can it be? i redid starting tutorial 3 times becouse of dc xD anyway thanks!
also dose game have regular content update? like maps new dungeons and active devs?
Tue, 08/04/2015 - 08:55

Is A Vampire is also EU, and
Is A Vampire is also EU, and they are extremely helpful
Well considering I'm on the USA servers I can't provide too much help in game.
I know that the "Outbreak gaming" guild is EU and would probably accept you in.
Yes this game is regularly updated (usually for new promos or reinstalling events....) lately the Devs have been focusing on a mobile game though so content has been slow.