New Gate, please dump your crimsonite here! (Also a mini-guide on gates of the Crimson variety, for your reading pleasure.)

16 replies [Last post]
Legacy Username

There's a new gate out, called Golden Ghost. As of the first night we already have Tier 1 almost out of the way thanks to our generous benefactors of trash minerals! As of tier 2 and onward, I am personally asking that everyone place only Crimsonite in the new gate, as well as encourage others to do so as well. If you're looking for somewhere to place your other minerals, do not fret! The Sapphire King gate has a very neat loadout of Moonstone and Valestone for you to contribute to, and Pink Clover is the perfect place for your Luminite and Dark Matter, that leaves Golden Ghost as the ideal dump for all your extra Crimsonite! Please contribute to the Spiral Society by making every gate something special!

So, you may be wondering, why is a Crimsonite gate important?
Crimsonite is the only mineral that generates Arenas, which are by far the most consistently profitable floors in the game. It's also a key ingredient in Scarlet Fortress maps, which are currently the ideal place for getting those valuable Perfect Snowballs and Everfrost which are required for 4- and 5-star ice-based equipment! Furthermore, Crimsonite in Tier 3 is required for Firestorm Citadel, which has a new floor that players have not had access to yet, and Vanaduke- Who is currently the main boss of the game! The new Firestorm floor may even include high spawns on rare (or possibly even new) mobs that drop the rarer materials as loot! We won't know until we see for ourselves!

How do you benefit from contributing to and making a successful Crimsonite gate?
As you may or may not know, you get a daily share of all the crown and heat that is generated in a gate you contributed to. This factor is only strengthened by the fact that Arenas and Firestorm Citadel have two of the the highest Crown and Heat yields in the game, even compared to maps with Danger rooms! Furthermore, Arena and Scarlet Fortress are two of the best places for acquiring rare materials and equipment, and who knows what wonders lie in the new addition to Firestorm Citadel? All these factors make Red maps highly desirable, and thus will net you more crown and heat for your mineral. Of course, keep in mind that contributing other minerals directly impacts the performance of the gate, so while it may seem like a good idea to get a larger share, you'll only hurt the value of the shares themselves!

So ask yourselves: "What do I want from a gate?"
Do you want the benefits of a Red map? Then by all means, grab as much Crimsonite as you can in every dungeon and bring 'em all down to the Golden Ghost!
Do you want another color? Are you tired of Crimsonite? Then feel free not to take any in your dungeon runs, The other 3 gates are just screaming for some blue, green, purple, and yellow love!

There are multiple open gates at any given time, most of which never even get into tier 3, so pick one and have fun!

Legacy Username
Why did you write this like a

Why did you write this like a swindler?

Legacy Username
I don't understand. I'm just

I don't understand. I'm just pointing out the advantages of a red gate, as well as the fact that you can always just get other rocks and use them on the other gates if you don't like crimsonite. :l

Was I mistaken in anything I said?

Legacy Username
Unless the player activity

Unless the player activity suddenly sky rockets (Which is highly unlikely, nearly impossible given the current direction it seems to be going), this is a gigantic heap of deja vu.

Legacy Username
Well, my guildmates and I

Well, my guildmates and I have decided to utilize all our invites at basically the same time. I distributed 50 today and another 28 are going out tomorrow.. Also went out of our way to encourage the invitees to invite friends of theirs as well. If things go well, we'll hopefully be seeing an influx of players. Things have been getting pretty lonely, after all.

Legacy Username
That's why I haven't played

That's why I haven't played myself in quite some time. Sick of doing Gates by myself. I would be fine with helping a Gate actually reach the core and also be whatever you guys want (Contrary to my previous posts on that other thread, because I was having some fun, so shoot me), but unless we really get a lot of people in, it's never gonna happen.

I invited a ton of people recently myself, but most of them have become inactive due to the Energy system and them being unable to pay constantly to keep it up.

Legacy Username
Honestly, at this point the

Honestly, at this point the only things I'm really craving are Tier 3 Arenas, Scarlet Citadels, and Firestorm, for mats, and Citadel because it's one of the harder maps and actually fun. I'd be all for the dump everything together and see what happens bandwagon, but frankly, I'm tired of "PICK A CLOCKWORKS OF YOUR CHOICE LOL" gates. Dark Cities and Devilish Drudgeries are cool too, but we don't quite know which material combos make what because people have only done pure X or 'all of the above' gates.

I'm hoping to get lots of arenas into tier 1 and 2, though, because whether people want them or not they ARE the highest-yield vs energy spend maps in the game, and it's a lot harder for our newbies to get on the crown-dungeon express when they don't have a Ruby King like we did.

At the very least, the energy prices have taken a dip, so that's good for them.

But yeah, I guess for now we're just putting all the Crimsonite we can into the gate, disregarding trolls because either way crimsonite is a good thing and their dumps won't affect the amount we put in, then when Golden Ghost opens up it's time to save up mass crimsonite for the sake of hopefully getting a proper Crimson King successor in a week or so.

Legacy Username
You won me over Seth!

You won me over Seth! ill start depositing my Crimsonite whenever i have some available. This is a good idea you got going here, hopefully others do the same.

Legacy Username
Moocow, make sure you dump in

Moocow, make sure you dump in Crimsonite in LARGE amounts, or it does nothing (If it's only like 1-10 pieces it's not helpful).

Ynahteb's picture
"Moocow, make sure you dump

"Moocow, make sure you dump in Crimsonite in LARGE amounts, or it does nothing (If it's only like 1-10 pieces it's not helpful)."

When did we learn this?

Legacy Username
That's what the wiki says.

That's what the wiki says. Something about it making blocks on the rings in stacks, and single/small amounts of ores won't make anything, it just gets wasted. Please correct me if I mis-interpreted the text.

Quoted from the Gate Construction Article:

Every 15 minutes, all the minerals deposited in that 15 minute period are collected in a group, and form a tray. If enough minerals are in a tray, then a block is added to the Totem Pole associated with the gate.

Certain levels are more likely to be formed if a large group of minerals of the same type is deposited. Therefore, it is a bad idea to deposit random minerals as you receive them (in clusters of 1-6 minerals at a time). Instead, save minerals up and deposit them all in once in relatively large and unmixed deposits.

Pauling's picture
I wrote that, and it's

I wrote that, and it's speculative- especially since some mechanics of gate creation (like the old "no partial rings" rule) have changed recently.

Essentially, the argument is that if you want a pure red level, it's best to put in enough minerals to make a pure red level. If you deposit minerals one at a time, then they're more likely to get mixed with whatever random stuff gets dumped in by other players.

Legacy Username
Honestly, we didn't have

Honestly, we didn't have quite enough resources this time around to do it, so I can only suggest that once this gate opens up we save up crimsonite for further notice. It appears to take approximately 6k mineral to form a single tier, so it's not something we could expect people to do with their spare minerals over the course of the week with this game's current population.

Legacy Username
Seth: the amount of minerals

Seth: the amount of minerals required to create a level/floor/tier scales with the population. More people collecting minerals means more minerals required to build a new gate.

Legacy Username
How do we convey our intentions?

I think I know where the whole problem is with our Crimsonite gates now: surely if we told enough people we'd get the job done like before, but how do we tell them? I'm quite sure not every new player that ever exists comes to the forums, and I'm also quite sure no one wants to just stand by the gate and repeat "lolz crimsonite only" like a broken record.

Legacy Username
I actually love these threads

I actually love these threads because it lets me know where to dump my trash mineral so that there's some actual variety in the gate.

Legacy Username
I've thought about that,

I've thought about that, Pyro, which is the main reason for my tl;dr mini-guide, but as you mentioned most people don't bother with the forums. I think a coordination between guilds would be the most effective gate manipulation process..

In any case, the gate's open, and it's looking SO damn good. To think, only like 60% of each tier was crimsonite but there are SO MANY ARENAS. The last floors were off, but that's perfectly fine considering those are profitable no matter what. I was worried when some guy dropped like 800 of every mineral in at once (well, not really, considering he dropped it into T1 like an amateur.. Hahaha..) but it turns out to have had virtually no effect whatsoever.

Now then, I suppose it's time for us to just enjoy the gate! Since Golden Ghost was kind-of an improvised scramble to get things together but still turned out so well, I encourage everyone who wants another Arena Gate in the future to SAVE most/all their crimsonite. (And encourage others as well.) So that we can get an even higher percentage of Crimsonite next time, and maybe even bring back the Firestorm Citadel!

Thanks to everyone who contributed, hope to see you next time!