I know there are prob a few threads about this, but nobody acutally had the anwser.
i currently have a tempered calibur and sealed sword.
im stuck at which road to take. i love the tempered calibur, and its attack speed. i tried the sealed sword and couldn't do anything with it - it just wasnt my playstyle with it being so slow.
so, my question is, should I go from tempered calibur -> ascended calibur, or tryout the nightblade? i heard the nightblade does both shadow and normal damage combined, so i was wondering if anybody has damage numbers: does the tempered calibur do more damage or less damage than the nightblade? should i just save up and upgrade to the ascneded calibur, or start out fresh and try the nightblade line? should i try and use get used to my sealed sword and upgrade to avenger/faust? are they better than the SS cause they're DPS is higher and thus outweights its slow speed.
BTW, i do farm the JK, but i still want a weapon that will do good damage against all things.
Start with the Calibur line, work your way to the Leviathan. I have a maxed out Leviathan and used it today after being pretty exclusive with my Divine Avenger. I had forgotten just how awesome the Leviathan was in virtually all situations.
After you have your Leviathan (or CIV, if that's your thing) I recommend getting yourself an Avenger and then upgraded to the Divine Avenger when it becomes possible. It has applications in arenas and FSC. The slower sword wasn't my thing for awhile either. It took me much longer to get acclimated to the Sealed line, but I rock it all the time now.
After you have those two, go for the Nightblade. I haven't leveled mine up yet, but I'm sure it is just the thing to pwn gremlins. Maybe do this one second if that is your preference.
I have 6 different swords at this point, but it didn't happen overnight and I still don't have a piercing sword. Heh...