Who right and who wrong in this???
Yesterday i just post a 2trade like this
Gabri:I can get for u 1 weapon of the snarbolax or snarbalax token idk his name XD
And there was a customer
Sillyblackninja:i buy the shields for 79k
i was shock wow someguy buy the 2* shield for 79k!
i was happy and deal right away
but he say if u cannot give me the shield u must give me 79k back
and then i know the token weapon can't trade i was shock (because iam a noob a real noob....)
so he say he gonna report the iam a lier and a spammer but ik that he must know in the first place that the shield can't trade it a trap
and i fell for it now he want his money but i don;t even have 20k....so wut should i do the frist thing i do is ignore him and idk wut should do next
so wut do u guys think who right who wrong.......
P/S:iam a real noob......iam a noob........wut do u guy do if u guys are me????
well, if you didn't take any of his money, and he is asking you for money - just /ignore him. everyone makes mistakes, and he can't report you for something you didn't understand yourself.
however in future, research things before you do them to prevent things like this. =p
also this is a spiral-bent topic so perhaps relocate it to general discussion or new recruits.