I think several problems would be solved if we simply reduced the payout on boss stratums so that each depth pays roughly the same number of crowns as a random corresponding depth. (i.e. The first level in the Jelly King's palace [depth 15] pays the same as any other depth 15). The final level with the boss should pay far fewer crowns than average for their depth.
WHY?!?! That's the only place that we can make a profit and be able to afford CE anymore! Why would taking that away help anything?
It may seem counterintuitive at first, but this is actually an elegant solution to a number of problems that people complain about.
1) Slow/Stop/Reverse CE inflation
There are *many* factors that contribute to the price of CE, but one of the largest is how quickly players earn crowns. Yes, there are crown sinks, and fountains, CE sinks and the amount that the average player is willing to spend, but the availability of crowns is a huge factor. To illustrate, imagine the following (ridiculous) scenario:
000 creates a new level that is accessible/beatable for people with 4* gear, and it pays out 50,000 crowns for that one level. Let's just say that it's at depth 19, so you can access it easily.
What happens? Everyone that can starts running that level. For 10 energy, you get 50k crowns, so you'd be happy to buy 100 energy for 400k crowns (exact estimates don't matter... but significantly more than 7k cr/100CE is the point). That way, you can spare a death every once in a while, and you've got plenty of crowns left over for your recipes and such. These knights would buy up all the energy currently on the market, and prices would rise until CE hits around 400k. If we suppose the rest of the game didn't change, all new players would be stuck with their protogear for a LONG time. It would take tons of T1 runs, hours and hours of play in order to pay the same amount as the guys running this new special level.
Even though the JK palace is nowhere near as extreme as the example above. The fact is a majority of players see it as the most profitable way to play the game. Some will argue that T3 is more profitable when you account for materials (and it might be), but if more people played T3, the demand for those materials would drop. Some people find trading things at the AH to be more profitable, but if you're looking for the core experience of the game, many people agree that the JK palace is the most profitable thing to do by far.
If the JK palace payouts dropped, the cost of CE should fall as well. It should be closely tied to the average amount of crowns that a knight can make with 100 energy. So that's the number one reason I think the boss stratums need to be more in line (in terms of payout) with other equivalent depths.
2) Where's the content?
I hear a lot of people saying that there's not enough content and that 000 needs to make more. That's debatable, but I think the over-payout in the JK palace contributes to this perception quite a bit. If the JK palace is the most profitable thing to do, and those are the only levels you run, you're cutting out 90% of the levels in the game. The boss levels are static... so you'll be doing the same thing over and over and over...
Unfortunately, as things currently stand, if you want to make enough crowns to pay for your energy, JK palace is one of the only places to be. Drop the payouts for the JK palace, and many players won't feel the need to repeat the same levels ad nauseam.
3) Gate construction (too much shock!!)
Recently, we had a situation where an entire gate was made of shock levels. In the latest release, 000 made the adjustment that no tier could be constructed of two matching stratums. The source of the problem was related to how minerals are generated. For example, shock levels produce fewer of the mineral types that create shock stratums. Slime levels produce fewer minerals that make slime stratums. Normally, this is a very clever, self-correcting system. If people think construct levels are the easiest, they might try to make a 100% construct gate. If they do, this system helps ensure that people can't keep repeating the same types of levels.
But there's a problem. Everyone's playing the JK palace levels, right? What do jelly levels produce more of? The minerals that make shock stratums. If we stop over-incentivizing the JK palace, we should see an end to the overabundance of shock levels.
What do people think? I'm guessing that reducing pay on boss stratums would be unpopular, but I really do think it's the best way to balance several game issues.
Yes, nerf the payout. It should be lower than the usual runs because you already get the awesome in form of boss tokens.