I always thought New Zealand had latency problems that were far superior than that of Australia's....
Which Country Are You From?
Fri, 01/04/2013 - 23:56
I come from those two tiny specks in the sea they call:
New Zealand
NZ is pretty laggy, I get 2 bars MAX and that's ONLY on a good day in haven, or those peaceful moments in the clockowrks where there is no pickups or creatures around.
Tis an amazing sight to behold a lag spike so massive it disconnects your game and freezes it on your computer until you shut iot down.
And my computer isn't actually that bad or old.
Makes me wonder why I run around in a chaos set.
Sun, 01/06/2013 - 23:35
Egypt. I feel Sympathy with all high latency people :3
regarding connnection, I have 1 bar in US server and 2 in Europe
no problems with pve, but noticable delay in pvp
Indonesia,2nd laggiest country to play SK,next to Aussie :(