@vanaduke if ya need salts ask me i got a whole storage full (leftovers from when i destroyed the jellykingdom)
It's time to vote for your Sk president for 2015
Now that I think about it, Novaster would probably be better as president of the wiki...
Don't vote Ragga, rain is bad for Cradle and Knights
@vanaduke yeh youre allowed to change votes :D
I'll vote for Kingtinkinzar for lack of anyone better right now. ;)
Subject to change with nominees.
Dont vote for Tink! Vote for a President who can actually think! Ragga for President!
#RapSkillz #Tinkerbell #TinkleTime #Ragga4Prez #Ragga2015&Forever #RaggaCanHelp
think is in my name how do you expect me being unable too think derp...
See guys...he can even tell the difference between the word tink (which isn't actually a word) and think. Ragga is the only one who can prevent a Gremlin uprising through proper spelling and grammar.
#RaggaIsRight #Ragga2015 #Ragga4Prez
P.S. Tinkerbell is harboring an Unparalleled in his Guild...nobody wants a President with an Unparalleled.
Lol, you typed "can" instead of "can't", you have bad grammar/spelling too. Don't vote Ragga
No...I meant to say "can". I was referring to myself as the one who "can" think. Thank you very much.
Vote for bigg the blue person with blue stuff cus bigg is blue ok no question
Nominate me, because I am not a scared wimp! Read my lips—mercy is for wimps! There's a reason "oppose" rhymes with "dispose"...If they get in your way, kill them!
Why don't you vote for our King? After all, he IS the one who gave you your Wrench Wand you ungrateful scumbag.
I'll put down a vote for Novaster, she's actually put in a lot of time working on the Wiki. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up getting a Purple Spiral like Katmint did.
@ragga that isnt fair those votes are not official and lushiis vote isnt even clear. i write those votes of cause its cheating in a real election the people who run dont go to other peoples houses and film them saying "i vote for you" too right?..... this is complete and utter bull...!!
#king4president #richbichraggacheats #princeofmyass
I'm voting for Gyre-of-Guile, the snappy mod that makes everyone's life better.
does the second place person get to be vice president?
I vote for topic to be graveyarded.
You people are pathetic. What a king if he isn't going to have the death penalty? I'lll make it like a lottery. EXCEPT EVERYBODY WINS HOORAY.
@Everlas - Give up and vote for your true king!
@Fight-Beetle - Free wrench wand(s) from King Tinkinzaar!
@Ragga-Prince - You're gonna let vote for whoever they want, whenever they want, whereever they want?
According to Everlas as of right now there are 4 days left for the event.
May the best one win.
Sk probs has more then 1000 players (haven't been here in a while, so that's just hoping)
A president? THe iwnning vote has 20. So um.. Sorry if this is bs.
Why do you take this seriously?
The one hosting the election should NOT be in it.
Unless stated otherwise.
the OP needs to end the thread, and it seems they abandoned it when they moved it to gremlin chatter
technically i won ragga revoked himself
Also, once the thread gets moved to Gremlin Chatter then the OPs are most likely to abandon it.
How about a competition? The winner gets to be the SK president and if Ragga won't come you win, k?
Ok, maybe KingTinkinzar will win.
There's no trace of Ragga since this thread was moved to Gremlin Chatter.
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A less salty cradle? I need all the (rock) salt though...