Of course, I'm still unsure how I'm going to write a fanfiction, but I've been inspired to reimburse the community with an in-depth take on the lore of SK. And I am a way better writer since the last and first fanfiction I wrote, probably 3-5 years ago? I've enjoyed thinking about Almire, Vog, early Cradle and how the Gremlins used to be, but I've got around to thinking about the other things, like these mythical titans that no one seems to mention anywhere. These old heroes or even a different kind of divine race. This story is still in progress, I haven't had enough time to map out the linear events in which they took place, I can only assume the building of the Clockworks themselves began with the arrival of another planet, because it is almost certain Gremlins arrived first to Cradle.
The story centers around an ancient hero, one of these titans, and their journey among kingdoms, or when the Gremlins began constructing the Clockworks to be a death trap, and themselves becoming aggressive, probably wiping out these earlier races out of contempt. This character will interact with the lore with his own origin story, but of course won't be OP or anything, and will gradually work from inside Cradle to outside, but be held back by both Gremlins and other worlds colliding into Cradle and expanding the Clockworks.
And, just in case none of you caught my teaser poem,
When the fiery kingdom rains once more
When the metal tortoises return from lore
When the stars grin toward Apocrea’s chore
When four bosses, three consoles, have tore
When heroes meet the prison’s door
When gods and saviors lost from yore
Is when the traitor’s disciple opens the Core
That's another thing as well, I'm not sure whether to keep with contemporary, I'm hoping to not though, or maybe hold that in another sequel if this fanfiction pilot takes off.
Character is temporarily nameless, so sorry. Pretty pleased with myself for making such a neat picture though. Modeled after Ancient Plate Set.
Anyway, thought I'd just post here again to give a little -umph to the forum's creative literary committee (I might call it that?) and I'll be watching the forums for awhile, just not posting much.
At least you have a general idea of what you'll be doing.
dammit, intros are harder than people seem to think