Vana, D26, Two paths, Questions--

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Aneurysms's picture

How many slags are on the left path?
How many slags are on the right path?
Will both sides always have 6 boxes?
...does this thread belong in New Recruits or General Discussion? :x

EDIT: I'm basically looking for the monster count for each side. I should watch youtube videos instead...

Dibsville's picture

This belongs in New Recruits. For times sake, the left path has more slags and thus has more payout, however the right path is much faster because there are less enemies to deal with. Both sides always have six boxes. I'll count up the slags in my head but I doubt it's going to be exact. From the top of my head, the left side has 37 slags, and the right side has 18 slags. The right side also has three red rovers and a trojan.

Bopp's picture

Dibsville is right that both sides have the same number of boxes.

I can't count the slags in my head, because I haven't run FSC in months. But they are not randomized. They are always the same. So you could find video of FSC on YouTube and count the slags yourself.

There are no serious data sets comparing the payouts of the two (that I know of), but my vague sense is that the left path tends to pay out about 200 more crowns than the right path, on average.