Hello there! I recently started a blog and just finished up my first article.
I was hoping I could get some constructive criticism and feedback. I will post the link down below. Enjoy and thank you in advance!
Welcome to Gremlin Chatter, a place where anything can happen! You are first time, eh?
I am Nanonizer. On most places I am known as a Nanobot wielding repair capabilities.
Meet the cast, too!
Matikclocker as Matikclocker M-OVC-2002 Battle Robot
Kian-Slime-Master as Kian-Slime-Master
Fight-Beetle as Fight-Beetle
Spirare as Vanaduke-Destroyer
Pipipipipi as Crazee-Pi-Forum
And many other peeps from The Amazing World of Gremlin Chatter!