Raptor and gilded phionex
ive been searching for these recipes (Raptor and gilded phionex)
ive been told basil sells them but ive searched to no end.
any clue to where i can find them

Vohtarak-Forum is right. In the future, you can see where a recipe can be found by reading the wiki page for that item. For example, Raptor's wiki page has an Acquisition section that just says "Basil". If you don't know the depth, then click on "Basil" to learn more. You immediately find that 4-star recipes are available at depths 13 and 23. Good luck.

Even if you are searching in the right place, they're found randomly. You just need to keep trying - I've been searching for the Scarlet Shield recipe for days, constantly searching the T2 arcade, but I haven't found it yet.

VD, if you haven't found the shield recipe yet, contact me, our gh has it.
first I need to correct you, its gilded griffin, and you spelled phoenix wrong
basil sells them, t2 basil for raptor, t3 has both raptor and gilded griffin
his recipes are randomized per run, so you just need to keep looking
theres also the auction house, but people usually spike up the price
and the gun itself isnt too great, id recommend getting either a callahan or riftlocker instead