For some reason every time i try to join lockdown, everyone else gets to go and i somehow was waiting about 15 minutes and it still won't let me in. I wonder why it is not letting me in.
why can't i join the coliseum
Fri, 09/25/2015 - 19:39
Sun, 09/27/2015 - 14:13
The # of players waiting is
The # of players waiting is usually not accurate based off of previous experiences. You can have "8" listed as waiting, but not get into a game until 9 or more are waiting, which is evidence of the code not working well
Fri, 10/02/2015 - 16:40
Actually that'd be because of players of all tiers showing up in the waiting numbers, meaning that you can have 7 T3 players and 2 T2 players queued and it'll show 9 players queued but can't start anything.
To get a game you'll need to be queued up for T3 lockdown on the US server. If you're EU check the players waiting number, most of the time it's too low to get a match started.
Sometimes you get unlucky RNG and the game doesn't let you into a lobby despite having 10-20 people waiting. Sometimes it takes 10-15 minutes to get into a match.
You do need to be T3 to get into a game though. T1-2 don't exist unless you organize it yourself.