Community Lockdown Guide
There's been a few guides here and there for lockdown but they usually don't dive below the surface of the fundamentals sometimes due to the inability to communicate ideas clearly through words ( usually in video format when the person commentating says, "go like squidoosh and then swoosh and then floohwwahhhhkakakakakaaaaa-- $*#% that guy with the polar/w.e" ) but mostly due to the amount of time someone's got to cover all the topics.
If we get the community to go in depth on lockdown then we'd have a pretty cool guide for both beginners to get to know a bit about the theory side of things so they can get better quicker, which would hopefully grow the lockdown community and veterans that have gaps in some parts ( like double switching / recon / guardianing ). Everything will also be tidily in one place so we won't have to go searching through the graveyard with all of them undeads.
Disclaimer : By posting, you agree that your content on this thread will be free and reusable. Other people will have permission to use whatever information here for their own guide ( if they wanna turn something into video format for example )
-Common attack patterns
Aiming/Mental Game
-Bias ( towards certain actions )
-Forced mistakes
-Lead shooting
-Attacking through latency
-Auto Target ( I hate the topic in general but it has to be covered )
Weapon/Shield Mechanics
-Weapon switching
-Attack cancelling
-Input queuing
-Weapon synergy
-Individual weapon analysis
-Shield/boost efficiency
Also : Feel free to share what you know in the comments, doesn't need to be full fledged guides, they could even be questions or other subtopics, every little bit helps !
Thanks to Van-Winkle for the basis of this topic and giving permission for me to take over! visit his thread here:
For any class, you can easily juke another player by initially walking in one direction, and then as the player starts to dash towards you, simply turna round and go the opposite direction. This works because players will usually try to chase you down by pinpointing you across a map, meaning they will run diagonally to where you are going, not where you are in order to catch you. That gives room for error, and by simply turning and going the other way, you can waste their boost. This movement is especially evident in recons and gunners, so if you are chasing them, you should pretend to be a normal striker and go for where they are headed, but then once you see them getting close to where you are, turn and follow them because they will change their direction.
Dodging is extremely hard to do without a good connection or being at the bottom of the map, however it is definitely possible. Dodging works much like juking, and relies quite heavily on your ability to be unpredictable and move in odd patterns. A common movement is to move in a circle. This is usually most obvious whilst players stand on capture points. Generally, moving in a circle pattern and then reversing it randomly will work in evading a general attack by an opponent, however it does fail against players who use auto target as the computer will track you down and changing direction doesn't really work. This is not an altogether effective tactic, and only works close to 20% of the time in evading a hit, especially if the capture point is higher in the map, however, it can be worth doing.
Common attack patterns
The typical dash into a cap and swing your granfaust for mass damage does work, but you can also try this: Striker boost in, swing your granfaust once and hold it as though charging, wait a second and then swing again. Most players will get hit, bounce out and turn back to try and kill you, but you will get them with that second swing too, which usually can kill most players.