Hey all, I'm looking for a good fun guild to join.
I don't know any good guilds out there really because i recently came back from a 2 year break from SK
All the guilds i've joined since i've returned are all serious and boring, I'm not a hardcore spiral knights player, I play it simply because i enjoy it and its community, I want to have fun, Whilst doing vana, I'm mainly a PVE player but i love blast network :D
If you have any recommendations please share
i need new friends because all mine quit :D
Looking for a FUN guild to join
Wed, 09/30/2015 - 04:46

Wed, 09/30/2015 - 10:03

Registered, Guild seems very nice and exactly what im looking for
Thanks corel :)
Wed, 09/30/2015 - 10:55

There is no such thing as a "fun guild". All guilds are pointless and a waste of time. You'll also end up spilling all your precious crowns and energy on the guild treasury.
Wed, 09/30/2015 - 13:10

Hail, king tinkinzar!
ill just leave this here :)
hf signing up
Thu, 10/22/2015 - 10:52

You would have fit right in to Plasmatech Pride. Unfortunately, it kinda died. Two years ago. But I still remember when we were at 2nd place in the guild Blast Network leaderboards.
You're probably looking for something like Retribution Council then. They have a big focus on keeping an active community, and just as big a focus on actually playing the game, but by no means are they completely serious about all of it, they're willing to help any way they can (within reason) and actually try to have fun with the game.
You'll have to apply to the guild page to join though, it's right over here
Take a minute to read through their page, we look forward to hearing from you.