Post ridiculous level generation.
Well, that was easy.
No screenshot, but once, in a Wasteworks (poison Clockwork Tunnels), I found a treasure room with 7 boxes. Immediately after, connected to the same hallway, was another of the same prize rooms. Right after that, still in the same hallway, there was a key room. Right after that, STILL connected to that exact same hallway, still with nothing else between them, was ANOTHER 7 box treasure room locked with a key gate from the previous room.
Again, no screenshot, but recently in a no-status Clockwork Tunnels, I found a mineral room near the end of a level. (It had a combat room right before it.) Connected to the same hallway to the elevator was another mineral room, but this one continuing into a combat room. After the combat room was a THIRD mineral room.
Level generation can very greatly, I remember having a Graveyard level that feels like the layout repeated itself four times in a row, taking over 20 minutes to finish.