My Friend Is a part of the Spiral knights Beta and he said he doesn't want to connect his steam account to it.
Because He said that he will lose his Groundbreaker armor if he connects his Spiral knights account to his steam
Is this true or not
Question About groundbreaker armor
Fri, 10/16/2015 - 09:14
Fri, 10/16/2015 - 16:41
This has nothing to do with the wiki.
This forum is for wiki editors to talk about the wiki, not for people to ask questions about connecting their steam accounts.
I'm not aware of any reason why moving an account to Steam would cause that account to lose items from its inventory. So I doubt that it's true.
By the way, some questions about converting to Steam are answered at the Steam FAQ.
Why is this in Wiki Editors? It has nothing to do with editing the wiki. You will receive more responses if you move the thread to General Discussion (by editing the original post and choosing that forum from the drop-down menu). Then again, you could move the thread to Technical Issues, in the hopes of getting a real response from Three Rings.