Hello, I previously played through the site kongregate however I would like to play through this site now. For my congregate account I didn't need a spiral knights password only a kongregate password therefore I don't have a spiral knights password and can't log on through here. My player I would like to play as is deltaplate but I can't access that right now I just made an alt called Delta-Ground. Is there anything I can do to play through this site with a congregate account? Thanks
Account Kongregate
I used to play through a Kong account. So I tried looking at the spiral Knights website and I couldn't find anything. Though I think they did send me mail about a password thingy when I started but I'm not so sure about that.
@Bopp Kongregate is a popular gaming website. It's just a website for free games.
Thanks, but I know that Kongregate is a popular free gaming web site. That doesn't explain why the original poster wants to play the same game through this web site now.
You could delete Deltaplate, make a www.spiralknights.com account, and then make a knight named Deltaplate on that. This should work, but I can't guarantee it. And if you don't want to delete Deltaplate and start again, then I can't help you with that.
You can also buy a name change pass, change your knight name, and then re-create Deltaplate here (I think).
Ask the devs. As far as I know you cant simply transfer accounts like that.
You can transfer accounts, if it is a SK account going to Steam, but I don't know about any other services.
I don't think sites would allow a transfer, they make a profit out of that playerbase, however small. I think your only option is to make another account.
I don't think you understand how this works:
1. Kongregate gets you to play Spiral Knights on their website, and has essentially gotten you to try a product etc. and has so done a service for OOO/SEGA, advertising.
2. SEGA/OOO sells your soul to Kongregate; you care about your knight, and in order to play as your knight, you must play through Kongregate and use Kong 'kreds' and do the Konga and play as Diddy/Donkey Kong in smash.. forever!
Should you choose to spend money, both parties now get a piece of that pie, even if it is probably weighted more in a Spiral direction. This deal has basically been made through almost all of the distributors of Spiral Knights- be they Steam, some MMO site, Kongregate, anyone. So can they just move your knight over real quick? Of course they can. Will they? Nope.
Either start a new knight or play through Kong.
Heya, I am a kongregate user myself, but I do play on a standalone client using kong IDs for a while now and it works just well ( You won't need to keep your browser open in the process). I could help you with it if that's what you're looking for.
I don't know a lot about Kongregate. While we wait for someone with more knowledge to arrive, here is what I can say.
If I understand correctly: You play Spiral Knights through a Kongregate account, which contains a knight named Deltaplate. You would like to play Spiral Knights through www.spiralknights.com instead?
Why? Why not just keep playing Deltaplate through Kongregate?
Are you saying that you want to post on the forums? You can use any account for that, such as the one that includes the knight Delta-Ground.
Are you saying that you want to post on these forums using the knight name Deltaplate? You could delete Deltaplate, make a www.spiralknights.com account, and then make a knight named Deltaplate on that. This should work, but I can't guarantee it. And if you don't want to delete Deltaplate and start again, then I can't help you with that.
The easiest solution seems to be to post on the forums using a different name. Lots of players do.