ANNNNDDD NOW! Intro-ducccinnngg the one. The only. FAAAAAAANNNGGGEELLLLLL!!!

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Fehzor's picture

Everyone else is introducing here-

Current information known about Fangel can be found in that thread here-

But in order to get more, a thread must exist in gremlin chatter!

And so it does! And if Fangel doesn't like this I'll graveyard it and pretend it never happened because I don't want to offend anyone!

Fangel's picture
fehzor pls

I don't have a standup routine ready and I'm pretty sure this spotlight is literally a mirror reflecting the sun.

Also, is it bad that I thought that the youtube link you posted was gonna be a John Cena thing? Because I thought it was gonna be a John Cena thing.

But since you're persistent I'm not gonna keep you over in the dark... Even though I'll probably just be boring and vague anyways.

So yeah, I'm Fangel. Technically I go by the full name of Fangelic Vive, but Fangel is more the common name. That being said, yes, it's a play off the word "angel" not "fang". I've met plenty of people calling me "fangle" and I'm all like "no".
Sometimes I'll hang around in Haven, and when I'm not in one of my angelic-inspired costumes I'm typically a goat. Right, and I doodle things like that on occasion!

I'm a pretty down-to-earth and calm person, but I enjoy even heated discussions when they're not vitriolic. I have a few hobbies such as gaming, songwriting, composing poems, drawing... Maybe a few more. I don't really get out much due to having crippling introvertism, but I also describe myself as a social ghost, meaning I can just kind of leave social gatherings because no one really notices me in the first place - probably one of the reasons I opt out of going to such things in the first place.
I'm great to have a one-on-one conversation with, but more often than not the moment a third person drops into the conversation they'll take priority thus leaving me to float away. I lead a lonely life...

However I don't really mind being alone, plus I never consider myself alone! I carry a little stuffed seal with me all over the place who pretty much embodies the most important pet I've ever had in my life. Don't really want to go into that story right now as it's kind of feels heavy and I don't want to look emotional sitting behind my desk at work here.

But now my mind is drawing blanks on anything else interesting about myself that's introductory.

That tickle your fancy, Fehzor?

Fehzor's picture

Yes. The fancy is tickled.


Does the seal have a name? And will you write me a song? Because I asked for it? Because.. I need one? Will you write me a song? Because it is make or break in this? Will you write me? To stay?

Fight-Beetle's picture

I have a seal plush also. He squeaks when I squeeze him. His name is beauregarde.

Fehzor's picture

That's adorable!

Fangel's picture

Yeah, my seal's name is I.C. Works out great because people mishear it as "Icy" and often don't question me further on it because the whole cold-environment-seals thing.

And I don't think I'll really be writing individual people songs without knowing them. :( Last time I wrote a song for someone though I think it turned out to be one of my favorites because it legitimately tells a story. They basically poured their heart out to me (not in a "I LOVE YOU" way, more like a "i need to get this off my chest" sort of way... At least I think it was more like that) and I kindled that energy into the song.

Recently I've been picking up music again after not really working on anything for a while. It's for a future project, but here's a rendition of the original song I'm using as a baseline for all the music. So far I have two dance/trance versions (this tune), one jazz-turned-classical version, and I just finished an ambient/mysterious one last night.