Certain tier star gear bonuses
I noticed that a certain 4 and 5 star gear lose it's bonus that it's 3 star gear had.
Namely, The Wyvern/Dragon Scale set.
The Wyvern set doesn't heave the attack speed bonus at all, but it comes back in the Dragon set... But only to the helmet.
Was there any reason why this set bonuses seem dysfunctional? Or did the devs think having the full gear with Attack speed increase would spell O-V-E-R P-O-W-E-R-E-D.
I looked through the other sets and most have kept the bonuses (If not, increased it) they have after upgrade on both Helm and Armor. I know there are a few sets with branching sides, like the Valkyrie and Fallen sets but they have extreme sets of bonuses on both sets that allow you to mix and match with other gear.
Someone help me get the bigger picture here.
There is a long overdue revision of most equipment, some stats are wrong, some bonuses are missing, others are implemented backwards, many are not balanced, etc.
It's distressing to hear that we have such existing problems like the Curse Mark and these that people have known about for quite some time. What exactly has the dev team been working on? Equipment revisions seem like they'd be the simplest bugs to fix once found.

Can you add these bugs to the Buggy items/recipes thread? I've been trying to collect them all in one place, and it did seem to lead to a number of fixes in the last release.
I can't help but think there is a statistical mistake in much of the armor sets. Note that the Wyvern Scale Helmet has 255 Physical Defense, while only being a 3* and also from a set that provides Elemental and Pierce defense. The Armor of The Fallen has no Shadow Defense like the Crown does, but instead also has 255 Physical Defense. Furthermore, if you wear both Fallen armor pieces, the Damage Penalty vs fiends bugs out and instead you do double damage to them, while still maintaining the damage bonus vs everything.