Why, god why? When in the prestige mission's punkin room I can't activate haze. Why? Just, god why?
My maskeraith does not always unleash attacks
My maskeraith does not always unleash attacks...
...but when it does, it sure does poison up 'em ol' critters.
if you see your knight pointing but the command not going through, it's due to lag, there seems to be a time limit.
To double down on what Cyphereau said because it's just too good-
Your maskeraith does not always unleash attacks...
...But when it does, you have good latency.
When you're lagging it can have problems sending the message to the server. If your cooldown just recently finished then it won't always fire.
This is one of the things players complained about soon after battle sprites came out. Laggy players can get a lot of use out of them, however the skills don't activate as the sprites seem to be server sided rather than the player's weapons, which seem to be more client-sided.
Are you sure it wasn't on cooldown, and that you pressed the right button?
And that you actually pressed it well?