I know this isnt really any topic, but I need to say how lucky I got. We were running throught Dreams and Nightmares for radiants, and in the end stage, I destroyed ONE box and THREE eternal orbs dropped! I mean, what are the odds? Did anyone else had a similar drop?
D&N experience
Thu, 10/29/2015 - 15:04
Thu, 10/29/2015 - 15:40

Congratulations. This is a rare occurrence. But it has already been noted in many threads. Try a Google search like "three orbs one box site:forums.spiralknights.com" (without the quotation marks).
Thu, 10/29/2015 - 23:46
6 eternals
6 eternals in one run? Wow, thats really impressive!
Fri, 10/30/2015 - 11:04

Can I join in on this?
Three Eternals from one box: http://i.imgur.com/UwDDSjW.jpg
Three Sparks of Life from one box: http://i.imgur.com/8NgCgWH.jpg
Two Sparks of Life from one box: http://i.imgur.com/vkJB9zX.jpg
Three Sparks of Life from one box: http://i.imgur.com/u7lSskL.png
I know I recently got another triple Eternal drop but apparently I didn't screenshot it.
"I mean, what are the odds?"
At or below 1/3000*
* given a dataset of about 10,000 treasure boxes opened with 0 observations.