I'm engaged in a debate with a friend of mine about the history of selling unbound Sealed Swords for profit. Would anybody who was around at the time or familiar with the method be able to weigh in on this?
I first beat the Jelly King on February 2014, and I have most certainly used jelly gems to unbind and sell Sealed Swords on Auction House at a profit successfully. However, while my friend admits that this was possible years back, demand for Sealed Swords has since plummeted, and particularly ever since the July 2013 patch that made elevators free, she refuses to believe that there was enough market demand for this to be possible. No one would ever bother buying Sealed Swords on AH when they can simply play RJP ~7 times, and therefore the selling price would be too low to be profitable (due to unbind cost).
All the evidence I can find for this method is either inconclusive or is far too old to be of use. However, I am absolutely certain that I was capable of turning a consistent profit, which my friend claims is impossible for that time period.
It was a thing very early on when divine avenger was the big go-to for most endgame players with gran faust weighing in at a close second. At that time, Jelly King was much harder to beat and most players were barely tier two with many more joining in constant streams so it did kind of make sense for people to want a head start by buying a sealed sword right off the bat.
Then jelly king got a huge nerf with the introduction of polyps and howlitzers, brandishes got a huge buff and divine avenger's charge got stuck in a wall and stopped letting players cheat, so the practice quickly died out. Occasionally you'll still find someone who will buy if you look hard enough though.