Well I remember seeing the figures of a Cold Iron Vanquisher fighting Undead versus other monsters.
You know how theres a "Damage Bonus against Undead: High" ? that sounds pretty awesome against zombies right?
well, i dont remember the actual figures... all i remember is that there was like somewhere around a puny 15%-ish increase damage against undead, which would still kill them in the same amount of attacks.
i may be mistaken, but whats everyone else's view on how good UVs actually are?
i'm having a hard time deciding between Skolver and Vog but i dont know if Skolver will actually help me kill any enemies with less hits at all :S
I'm assuming you're only talking about damage bonuses. It all depends on how much damage you're doing right now, how many hits it takes to kill without UV, and how much HP mobs have. It's obviously worthwhile if you can 2 shot a mob instead of 3 shot but without enemy HP it is kind of a shot in the dark.
Anyway here is a damage table for UV bonuses based on nitronome/leviathan: