Hello, i have been reading a phew of these suggestions, and id like to know if there is anyone from the developer team or administrators that check up on these suggestions, because iv seen a phew topics talking about events and new additions to the game that would make a huge impact, since the game has become rather dull with the lack of updates, and its not just me, a lot of my friends stopped playing the game because they ended up being burnout from the game with nothing to do besides farming crowns, at endgame, after completing missions to reach vanguard and get a lot of 5* gear, this game becomes an economical warfare where player merchants stay in haven trying to buy and sell items in order to get profit, not criticizing those players since im one of them. Im not saying iv donne Everything in the game, but iv donne a rather large ammount, with this lack of content in the game, someone probably could farm FSC to get enouph money to UV roll ALL his weapons to get CTR VH and ASI VH.
Also would like to know if there is any way to know about dev posts in order to have a headsup on future updates, if they exist that is...
It's a good question. I mostly post here because I enjoy talking about all of the wonderful possibilities and how awesome the game is and don't actually expect any of my ideas to ever "make it in"... I will say that in the past we've seen a ton of player suggestions come to fruition-
-Height mods
-Color changes
-Wildfire (and permafroster?)
-Mixmaster fix
-More gunner armor
-Piercing antigua
-The new UI
-Battle Sprites
-Guild hall update
-Party finder
-Arcade redux
If someone (a dev/GM) is reading this, perhaps they could post a simple "yes", to indicate that suggestions forums are in fact still being read through to some degree. I mean I can say all of that stuff but oh wow would that "yes" mean a lot to those of us posting here, since the "it's the rubbish bin of the forums!" comes up so frequently and many of my ideas don't even get more than 2-3 comments any longer.