The Return of the Shadow Mercenaries.
Hello all readers, and welcome to the Shadow Mercenaries Forum Application! My name is Threattoall, I've been leading Shadow Mercenaries for over one year now when I inherited leadership of this guild from Rgn-Vertigo. We are here now to come back and give players a great experience here. Although we may seem new, Shadow Mercenaries has been around since Spiral Knights' Beta. Our guild has gone inactive a few times, but we always made sure each time we went out, it was with a blast. We offer a unique, and great experience here, my goal is to make it a lasting one. Our rules and regulations are the same as before. I look forward to seeing everyones applications.
Previously stated by Rgn-Vertigo.
The “Shadow Mercenaries” is a guild of next-generation knights which provides a strong collaborative effort all together to completely finish any objective that comes to us. Our aim is to be able to have fun with each other (the most important part) while as well as helping to be servicing many of the neighboring knights in the community by helping them on runs, defeating bosses, and all sorts of things that may come in the future. This is the place for people who aims to be improving their skill and gear with all our veterans, thus meaning they are not by any means a huge factor in recruitment. We're not looking for full 5* players, nor players who have to be 'the best' or very skillful of any sort. If you just enjoy the Spiral Community and just want to boost your experience through playing with guilds, that's amazing~!
We are accepting all sorts of members ranging from newer players who have caught a good experience glimpse of the game (At least reached "Tier 2" or simply have acquired their basic cobalt gear) up to the veteran players who has been playing this game for a very long time.
We also do literally everything in the game from grinding bosses, tutoring, random guild events, the coliseum and down to the deepest depths of the clockworks.
Ideology and Goals:
“Those who possess the skills shall grace those without it”.
This quote is the main ideology of the guild at the moment, the people who follow the quote are what we call ‘volunteers’, they reach out with a helping hand to the people in need. Personally as one of the very old Veteran players, I’ve personally understood that in the past while starting the game it’s probably the hardest part to get through due to all the limitations that are set. Which is the main reason why we would like to help out the players, as the base of the community, we build up the pillars slow and stable.
To be able to maintain a clean and fun environment, the rules and guidelines of the Shadow Mercenaries Guild are to be followed.We expect all members to fulfill the requirements That means be mature, be active, follow the Code of Conduct listed below in order for our guild to always be enjoyable place to have a good time for all our members.
Our regulations may be seen as follows in our Forums.
So, wrapping up everything stated above, what are your benefits for joining?
Guild Benefits:
- A strong base community to guide you through the game
- A fun, clean and friendly environment.
- A beautiful guild hall built by the members of our guild over 3 years ago
- Private guild teamspeak (voice chat) server
- Guild events and awards
- (Soon to return) Private Guild Forums
And most importantly...
- A fun time.
Shadow Mercenaries Codes + Conduct by Rgn-Vertigo.
The Rules and guidelines of the Shadow Mercenaries Guild. We expect all members to fulfill the requirements That means be mature, be active, follow the Code of Conduct listed below in order for our guild to always be enjoyable place to have a good time for all our members. Most if not all of these rules are common courtesies and should be obeyed both inside and outside the guild simply to be polite and give the guild a good reputation.
1. Be mature and respectful in guild chat. This means no begging, spamming, scamming, personal attacks, nagging, exploitative cursing/swearing in the guild chat or to others making us lose reputation. Essentially, be polite. Members should also obey these rules in all chat modes, simply as a common courtesy. For the case if somebody keeps bothering you because their actions or anything of sort, please try to work it out privately without making anyone feeling offended. Remember that your words and actions shoulder the guild and everybody's name, don't ruin it.
2. No begging for crowns/energy/materials or anything of value. (Remember: begging is not the same as asking or borrowing).
3. Ask before joining the runs of another guild member if there are available spots. As said guild member may have been reserving those spots for their friends. (Players who are on runs and reserve slots should lock the party if possible to prevent an accidental join.)
4. If you're not doing a solo run and you have any free spots on boss runs or at arenas, ask guild members if they want to join! Be sure to specify the kind of run.
5. Avoid randomly inviting guild members without explaining beforehand where you are inviting them. Send invites only to those who respond back saying that they will help you out or accompany you. (People have things they also need to do, be sure to respect people's privacy) Tell them whether you need help, want party members, are going on a boss run, etc...
6. Do not try to kill (i.e. explosive blocks) or otherwise troll party members to make them lose sparks or otherwise harass them.
7. If you are going to be AFK for quite some time and wish to remain on your run, go die then AFK so that you do not hold back the other party members. If a party member does this, remain on the floor so that they will still receive heat and loot from the level when the return unless they say otherwise if a party member says that they will be gone for a short time (such as for a bathroom break, or an emergency), wait for them to return before continuing on or kicking them from the party when deemed appropriate. Another solution is going back to haven and rejoining into the party with the exception if the party turns restricted.
8. (Not mandatory, but appreciated) When passing Basil, announce the recipes that you do not need need over guild chat to see if someone else has a use for them. Sell recipes to guild members at BASIL PRICE.
In summary, I would like everyone to help other guild members as we're all one part of a small family, and sometimes after all the little boost you can offer a guild member can help them reach their goals faster as well as learn from others. relationships are advanced by mutual teaching, and we (hopefully) have just as much to teach you as you can teach us, whether it be about Spiral Knights, life in general, or even some random topic. The most important part is be honorable. Don't talk trash, be useless in a party, beg, spam, hate, troll, etc... As a member you'll be the face of our guild to Haven and the community, and we want you to be a good reputation of what we stand for and who we are. I understand the fact that not everybody can be perfect and follow the rules 100% all the times, but try to keep it not too explicit to a point where it may be too inappropriate or offend others. Stop means stop, don't cross the line.
But never forget. Have Fun! Simple as that. - Rgn-Vertigo
Joining (Some small things we ask for as we encourage all members to help create an enjoyable experience for everybody's time within the guild):
1) You should be experienced with varied types of runs
2) Have a good attitude
3) Be active
Copy and paste the questions into your reply here, or send an ingame mail to "Threattoall". If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the officers ingame and we will reply to you as soon as we can. The majority of the questions can be directed toward "Threattoall" (that's me) though. [Staff information down below]:
1) What is your name? (INGAME, First Name if you'd like to tell us)
2) How long have you been playing?
3) How often do you play?
4) What types of items do you use?
5) Have you ever heard us from someone or anywhere?
6) Why would you like to join us?
7) What are your goals?
8) We have a Teamspeak 3 Voice Chat Server, are you comfortable of using it / Do you have a microphone?
Lastly, optional question #9, Tell us a little bit about yourself, experiences in the game, etc. it can be anything at all!
Moderating System:
Within the Shadow Mercenaries guild, we have an application moderating system where in our forums, we have permissions for our officers and veterans to be able to give their opinions to simply 'vote' whether we should let in a member or not. But don't worry, it isn't some kind of hard process, rather-- It lets all of us help know you better and faster so we can give you the appropriate amount of help/support that you need!
All applications posted in this page will also be posted on our forums for moderation, so if you would like a faster response and be able to read your application's comments, we recommend you go over to our forums and register, all instructions on posting the application are on there.
Current [active] staff members:
ThreatToAll - Guild Master
Rgn-Vertigo - nonexistant ghost guild master
Djbiomas - Guild Master
Sniperispie - Head Officer
Kevaleka - Officer
----How do I get promoted? Promotions are managed by Threat (that's me) and only me, I don't give any hints or tips on how to get promoted, or hints on when it will come, but I notice mostly everything that goes on, this includes guild donations, helping others, helping others with runs, trading advice, or advice in general, it's all noticed. It's quite easy to tell what can get you promoted here.
----Am I required to pay a fee to the guild treasury? No, you are not. Although, any donations are appreciated and help fund us and our Guild Hall.
New members, or friends are always welcome in this guild. Now's your time to apply, many of us are always looking forward to seeing new faces. Thank you for reading.
- Threat
1) What is your name? (INGAME, First Name if you'd like to tell us)
2) How long have you been playing?
about a month??
3) How often do you play?
about 4 days every week
4) What types of items do you use?
I am a striker. so swords, shields, coats, etc
5) Have you ever heard us from someone or anywhere?
No. Just keep up with forum
6) Why would you like to join us?
I am a very group oriented player and I love to socialize with nice groups and people in general. Love to make friends :D
7) What are your goals?
Be a vanguard with good gear and help others as well as be competitive in PVP :D
8) We have a Teamspeak 3 Voice Chat Server, are you comfortable of using it / Do you have a microphone?
Unfortunately no.....
Lastly, optional question #9, Tell us a little bit about yourself, experiences in the game, etc. it can be anything at all!
Well my actual name is Kevin, I'm in college so sometimes I can be inconsistent, and Spiral Knight is like my new RPG life :D I love rpgs in general and im looking forward to joining the guild and having a fun time :D
I'll add you to the guild, sorry for the very late reply
@Kev, I invited them over a week ago. I may not reply sometimes but I'm still managing this topic, excuse that.
Hope both of you are enjoying it here in SM, further applications will still be reviewed.
Noticing a lot of you are applying through mail, like I said, that is acceptable.
This seems cool.
1) What is your name? (INGAME, First Name if you'd like to tell us)
Dr-Fluffypants or Ethan.
2) How long have you been playing?
For about 1-2 months now
3) How often do you play?
Usually around 4 days a week.
4) What types of items do you use?
I use piercing and or elemental items right now.
5) Have you ever heard us from someone or anywhere?
Nope, just looking for a guild and this one caught my interest.
6) Why would you like to join us?
Usually in most MMO's I solo through the entire game, but this time around I'd like to change that. I was looking for a interesting guild to join, and this one sparked my interest.
7) What are your goals?
Well, I guess my main goals are to achieve Vanguard and to collect as many rare items as possible.
8) We have a Teamspeak 3 Voice Chat Server, are you comfortable of using it / Do you have a microphone?
I am comfortable/ I have a mic.
Lastly, optional question #9, Tell us a little bit about yourself, experiences in the game, etc. it can be anything at all!
Since I am still in school, my activity level is unbalanced. So i may be inactive for a couple of weeks at a time, but then I'll hope right back to it.
1) What is your name? lycancrusader
2) How long have you been playing? 1day
3) How often do you play? whenever i'm home from jobcorp in Edinburgh. I live in salem.(about an hours drive from there.)
4) What types of items do you use? standard melee mostly.
5) Have you ever heard us from someone or anywhere? no, I'm looking for a guild to join and I kinda liked the name for this one.
6) Why would you like to join us? mostly because I don't know anyone in game and i'm kinda having trouble in the game. got my ass handed to me over 20 times in 1 quest. kinda embaressing for me really.
7) What are your goals? mostly to have fun with the game, max out my knight and get all the acheivements done.
8) We have a Teamspeak 3 Voice Chat Server, are you comfortable of using it / Do you have a microphone? i'm comfortable using it, but I don't have a mic atm.
and for 9) i'm mostly a student at attabury jobcorp in Edinburgh as I stated earlier. i'm usually gone for weeks but when i'm online i'm ready and willing to help anyone. in other RPGs and mmo's i'm usually a tank but I don't think they have tanks on spiral knights. (please correct me if i'm wrong on that.) i'm an ok player.
1) What is your name? (INGAME, First Name if you'd like to tell us)
Riskymango is my ign
2) How long have you been playing?
4ish months
3) How often do you play?
7.5 hours a week (approximate)
4) What types of items do you use?
For vana: Perfect mask of seeres, Ancient plate armor, strike needle, blaze brand, Dark thorn shield
For DaN: Fiery Atomizer, Blazebrande AshTail cap and cloak, Dark thorn shield
For Lockdown: GigaWatt Pulsar, Blazebrand, Perfect mask of seerus, Ancient plate armor, Dark thorn shield
5) Have you ever heard us from someone or anywhere?
I see people in your guild in haven and they are good
6) Why would you like to join us?
I want to be part of an active guild with people online most of the time
7) What are your goals?
Get full Snarby set!!! :)
8) We have a Teamspeak 3 Voice Chat Server, are you comfortable of using it / Do you have a microphone?
Id prefer not to do teamspeak...
Lastly, optional question #9, Tell us a little bit about yourself, experiences in the game, etc. it can be anything at all!
Im 9-1 currently (Will advance quickly), I first did DaN at 7-2 (only used 1 spark!!!), first did vana at 6-1 (1 spark)

1) What is your name? (INGAME, First Name if you'd like to tell us) Hawkeens
2) How long have you been playing? I've been playing the game since 2013, but I made a new character (Hawkeens) some days ago.
3) How often do you play? Almost everyday when I'm free, and in school days 3 or 4 days a week.
4) What types of items do you use? I'm a Knight right now and I'm currently using a Dusker Coat, an Elemental Hood, a Defender, a Swift Flourish and a Voltech Alchemer. I'm an hybrid and I like going fast.
5) Have you ever heard us from someone or anywhere? Nope, recently I've been looking for a guild and I found it here in the forums.
6) Why would you like to join us? Because no one seemed to invite me in a guild, and I've been invited to a French guild but that's pretty bad since I only speak English and Spanish. It was awkward so I decided to look for a guild myself XD And this one was the one that interested me most. Not every guild treats others like family by helping them on missions and stuff.
7) What are your goals? Become a Vanguard with an awesome Final Flourish. And I'd like to help initiates in missions. I remember when I was a newbie at the game and I had to defeat Snarbolax. I got rekt so many times that a Vanguard friend noticed it and came to help. I want to do that too.
8) We have a Teamspeak 3 Voice Chat Server, are you comfortable of using it / Do you have a microphone? Eh, yes, I have one, but since I am not an English native speaker I just prefer the normal guild chat.
Lastly, optional question #9, Tell us a little bit about yourself, experiences in the game, etc. it can be anything at all! Well, as a best friend told me one time, I'm chill. And quite silent. Because I'm quite shy. But after a time that stupid shyness vanishes and at the end you find out I'm humurous, friendly and I like telling jokes. I laugh at life. Silently.
1) What is your name? (INGAME, First Name if you'd like to tell us): Inoji
2) How long have you been playing?: I was on before for a year, gave up on that account, and came back this year under a new account.
3) How often do you play?: Practically everyday, from 9 AM to 10 PM or so. With school starting again, I'll be on during the weekends from 8 AM to 11 PM.
4) What types of items do you use? Weapon-wise, Swords and Guns. I barely use the shield. I'm more of a gunslinger/fencer.
5) Have you ever heard us from someone or anywhere? Saw one or two of your members running around Haven.... 1 or 6.
6) Why would you like to join us? One, guilds mean advice. Two, I just like the prospect of your guild in general.
7) What are your goals? I'd place a lame Pokemon reference, but I'll spare you. Just to have fun, get loot, be social, nothing major.
8) We have a Teamspeak 3 Voice Chat Server, are you comfortable of using it / Do you have a microphone? I'd be comfortable, and yes, I have a mic.
Lastly, optional question #9, Tell us a little bit about yourself, experiences in the game, etc. it can be anything at all! I'm sarcastic, I'll state this now. I'm also incredibly quiet when I start off, so don't expect much talking. That'll change once you get to know me. Other than that, nothing major I guess.
1) What is your name? (INGAME, First Name if you'd like to tell us) Darklordclyde
2) How long have you been playing? I've been in this game since beta (new character)
3) How often do you play? Hmmm I try and get on for at least 2-4 hours a day, when possible and when I'm busy I'm usually on most of the night or day depending on what my schedule is
4) What types of items do you use? (weapons)Swords(Voltedge, WMRH, Acheron, Gran Faust, Divine Avenger, & BTB), and guns (Blitz, Sentenza, Argent Peacemaker, Valiance, Callahan), only one bomb(dark Retribution). (armor) Snarby Coat&Divine Veil, Skolver Set, Grey feather/chaos cloak&Falcon Sentinel Helm. (Shields) Grey Owlite, CoA, Swift Strike, BTS, & Ironmight Plate
5) Have you ever heard us from someone or anywhere? I've heard of you from my friend Kai
6) Why would you like to join us? Well first off I happen to be a mercenary player, and second I hope to join make new friends/allies and form strong bonds that I will remember
7) What are your goals? To be the best I can be for the guild, and to make memories
8) We have a Teamspeak 3 Voice Chat Server, are you comfortable of using it / Do you have a microphone? Yes, although I prefer Skype
Lastly, optional question #9, Tell us a little bit about yourself, experiences in the game, etc. it can be anything at all! I'm sort of an outcast IRL the silent guy in the background that no one messes with, I love reading and music.
Thanks for reading!