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35 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

Pizzas will be an extremely rare 5* material dropped from boxes in the clockworks, at around 1 in 10,000 per box opened regardless of where the box is found.

No gear recipes will ever require pizzas.

The auction house will occasionally put up eight pizzas, starting at 3,000 crowns each bid price. The auction will end in 4 hours, as the pizzas will get cold if it goes on for longer than that. The auctions will happen roughly once every month and a half, but always at a different time and plus or minus one week so that people have no idea when it's going to be.

When fed, battle sprites will gain a small picture of a pizzas on their stats screen, indicating that they have eaten a pizzas. Additional pizzas will add a number by this, representing exactly how many pizzas that sprite has eaten. The pizzas do not effect them in any other way.

If not consumed, pizzas bought from the auctions expire after five days. Arcade pizzas is forever.

Basil will offer a special recipe if encountered while holding any number of pizzas in your inventory- it requires 8 pizzas and will craft a single boxed pizza that does not expire. The boxed pizza is a special consumable that when used displays the unboxing animation on a pizza box and grants the knight 8 pizzas.

Appearance: A slice of pizza icon on the typical material jazz-
What pizzas look like
What the background would look like

Description: A delicious slice of pizza, fresh from the clockworks.

Bild des Benutzers Krakob

Really, it's just a simple implementation of the frequently requested sprite accessories.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

Ten out of ten would pizzas again.

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Have it so that when you open a pizza box, you get an empty pizza box. The empty pizza box can either be used to make a special cardboard vanity set that expires after a week or two (because nobody wants soggy pizza armor), or used to make another pizza box without the extra cost of whatever is used to make a pizza box, that way you can put the pizza in the box and take the pizza out of the box and put the pizza in the box and take the pizza out of the box and put the pizza in the box and...

Bild des Benutzers Inquistitive-Ego

Aw, now I want Pizza, and so does my sprite +1 George-the-Kat the seraphynx wants Pizza now, Six-From-Syrup you have endangered us all if OOO doesn't implement this.

Bild des Benutzers Holy-Nightmare

......... Why?

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

Once you get to the end-game and have your gear established, everything becomes nothing more than novelty regardless of what it does- weapons, costumes, shields, armor pieces.. you don't really need any of them. Players are willing to shell out a lot of effort when it comes to these kinds of things, simply because they're cool and interesting and that makes them cooler and more interesting- they're the knight that unboxes pizzas randomly, or has a sprite that's consumed the legendary pizza in the arcade.

Pizza is something of a cultural landmark in North America (and possibly Europe?)- you see it everywhere and it stands for something beautiful and wonderful: Ninja Turtles and parties. There are crackers that taste like pizzas and chips that taste like pizzas and pizzas that taste like just about everything that isn't pizzas. Team Fortress 2 has the sandvich. Portal has cake. We can has pizzas. I mean have. We can have pizzas.

So here's what happens: The devs make pizzas, and slip it in with some update without mentioning it ever or anywhere. The recipes, icons, everything is hidden away so that no one will even know it exists in the game until it shows up.

Bild des Benutzers Holy-Nightmare

Sandvich is a Heal item, the Cake is Glados's lure, Pizza is pointless.....

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

Your point...?

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

Pizza isn't pointless, it's awesome. I'm going to go eat some right now, just to prove the point.

Bild des Benutzers Corporal-Shade
I'm a Wizard

*reads suggestion title, then ignores description*

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

Alright so I'm back from eating the pizza and I brought a picture so that Holy-Nightmare and any other unbelievers lurking can see how delicious and wonderful this thing they are calling pointless really is.


Everyone else is definitely encouraged to go out and eat pizza then post pictures. That's basically what the suggestions forum is for.


Also we should make the icon for the pizza slice and the skin for the pizza box so that the devs don't have to. I'll try to do it when I'm home and free sometime this week, but if anyone else can do it since I might just not that would be awesome.

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

I officially volunteer to be the Pizza Lord, our mighty leader and pizza maker. Watch as I rule over this pizza kingdom on my throne of pizza boxes. Feast your eyes on our magnificent cheese hills, our gorgeous breadstick trees, and our beautiful tomato sauce rivers.

Any resistance against the mighty pizza empire will be crust.

Bild des Benutzers Falminar

I resist against the mighty pizza empire.

And your pizza image looks disgusting.

Also, I ate pizza a few hours ago.

Just because your pizza looks disgusting doesn't mean all pizza is disgusting... I still don't think it belongs in SK though

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

Yea the lighting in that picture is awful lol. I can guarantee that it was delicious- a fine slice of pesto + chicken.

Bild des Benutzers Sir-Pandabear

Empty pizza boxes need to act as costume helmets. They, too, would expire after a few days.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

See but then it would become some kind of strange costume spawner and that would give it too much purpose.

What I will say are surprisingly interesting economics- If you wanted to store the item, you'd have to win 8 bids at the same time. If even one of them got away, your pizza wouldn't fit together quite right and you'd have half a week to try to fix it.. ergo you have to be willing to pay 8x as much as whoever wants it less than you, and not simply 'more'. Of course that assumes you're bidding against someone who doesn't value the item in the same way as you- they could be in it for a single slice, even.

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

I've already had my tax collectors go to your home and take all your pepperoni away from you Vanaduke-Destroyer and add it to my massive fortune. Any further resistance and I'll throw you in jail where you'll rot like a pizza someone left under the couch.

Bild des Benutzers Holy-Nightmare

Give it some Practical use... like double heating power on Sprites, that way you can level your sprites faster with Pizza.... (doesn't even have to be Pizza.... seriously it doesn't)

Bild des Benutzers Falminar
Lol, I have no pepperoni. I

Lol, I have no pepperoni. I ate it all before they arrived.

And you're not even Pizza Lord yet. Nobody has approved of your ruling.

No pizza! Do not put pizza in SK! -1 to pizza!

Bild des Benutzers Fangel
I um.

A completely useless cosmetic thing that we can sort of brag about?

I mean, it's not really hurting anyone. Having a "pizzas eaten" counter on your battlesprite would be kinda silly, but then you can show off your battle sprite a tiny bit.

Now if we can get a power mitt reskin that is literally just a pizza pie from crafting a few pizzas together, sign me up. Worse than the grey owlite shield but it would make one of the few limited time promo-only items at least be accessible. Also pizza shield, why not.

Make these come next anniversary as a random chance from those prize boxes, and purchasable with cake tokens.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

Why not have the pizzas as a random and useless thing and then introduce something else that has the functionality? The pizzas just want their freedom.

But if they'd rather not just make a completely useless material for no reason that expires unless you get 8, pizza shield would be hilarious.

Bild des Benutzers Ironclaw-Mender

i-i'm not sure how to feel about this

can i get a cloak reskin that looks like a floppy pizza?

Bild des Benutzers Fangel

Italian cuisine promo pls.

spaghetti toupee, meatball shard bomb, pizza shield, saucy aura...

000 pls

Bild des Benutzers Ironclaw-Mender

grasping aura reskin which is just spaghetti strands flying all over your body

Bild des Benutzers Inquistitive-Ego

@ Fangel

someone's hungry... but yeah, I guess that would be cool. But make expiring versions as well as permanent ones, I for one don't want to look like Bolognese forever.

Bild des Benutzers Falminar

Then don't have it equipped all the time if you don't want it on all the time. Not make it expire.

Bild des Benutzers Inquistitive-Ego

I meant that I for one would like to have the ability to purchase expiring ones as well as permanent ones just because it would be funny for a day or two then the fun would wear off, and then what would I do with it, sell it for 5k when I bought it for 20k? Just sayin'

Bild des Benutzers Lakella
i want pizzas, my sprites

i want pizzas, my sprites wants pizzas, i want to craft pizzas and pizza boxes into a pizza/box-shaped shield while i have my battlechef costume on. with a volcanic mustache.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

I suppose that a full pizza promotion would be swell as well.. though I'd honestly be more excited if if did nothing. Onward to two pages of pizza thread!

Bild des Benutzers Deleted-Knight

If we're going to have pizza, I demand marshmallow snipes for the Easter event.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

Speaking of marshmallow snipes, what ever happened to the concept of a gobblesnipe aura?

Bild des Benutzers Umbra-Lunatis

Make pizza slices usables instead of crafting materials, then add a recipe at Mysterious Alchemy for a "pizza box" that functions similar to a bloon bucket, but you display a "pizza eating" animation when interacting with it. Individual slices are personal-use, like confetti, while 10ish slices make a box that can be placed and publicly interacted with for ~5 minutes before expiration.

also, @six, gobblesnipes have no flying animation. just saying.

Bild des Benutzers Corporal-Shade
I'm a Wizard

Pizzas. Full of pizazz.

Bild des Benutzers Quintinius-Vergnix

As the SK IP has changed hands, this thread must once again see the light of day.


Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Yes. Now that the IP has changed day, it's about time we saw the content we deserve. Not levels, or new weapons, or balance fixes, but pizzas. Lets do this.