Does The Roarmulus Twins Take More Damage If You Have Damage Bonus Vs. Construction On You Gear/Weapons?
Roarmulus Twins: Does The Twins count as Constructions?
But Vanaduke is a Fiend But Fiend bonus DMG does not give bonus DMG to Vanaduke :D
At one point Vanaduke's tooltip said "fiend". I think that was short-lived. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
You should not consider Vanaduke a fiend.
vana isn't a fiend. period.
he just takes slighty more dmg from pierc
he only fits fiend in the way of being weak to pierce
hes one of he outliers to the games rules
So RT take construction DMG and JK take slime DMG and Snarb Take Beast DMG but Vana Does Not Take Fiend DMG?
Vanaduke, when AutoTargeted, has a Fiend logo. However, the way he takes damage is rather unique.
A Blitz Needle's normal shot does neutral damage, while a charged shot is super effective.
The Rocket Hammer is odd too, but i forgot how that one works. The dash does damage differently from the other two swings.
yeah, the twins are giant gun pups, i'm pretty sure. So Vs Construct should have a positive effect.
Don't rely on the damage colors too much to see if your weapon is effective or not, if you're not sure.
I've found that they can be a bit buggy sometimes, not showing the correct color all the time.
"Lord Vanaduke does not belong to any family, and he has his own custom defenses: 180 normal, 150 piercing, 200 elemental, and 200 shadow. His mask has 150 normal and 200 piercing, elemental, and shadow defense".
The shadow defense changes to total immunity in the final phase.
The numbers often mean the most basic, intuitive thing: 200 damage is subtracted from the raw damage if you attack Vanaduke with a pure elemental weapon, unless the weapon does less than 400 damage. At the moment, I'm reasonably certain the formula looks like this:
damage * (1 - (1/2 + 0.19 * LOG10((defence - damage)/15 + 1)))
It's pretty wacky.
To be fair to the original poster, the wiki page for Vanaduke himself said that he was a fiend (until I changed it a couple of minutes ago). So the original poster didn't know which wiki page to trust.
yeah, they're listed as a construct
i'd assume they'd take a little bit more damage with a vs construct uv