Turquoise Prize Box discussion

13 replies [Last post]
Holy-Nightmare's picture

.....What? You don't need any more instruction than the title.....

Fohweign-Forums's picture

Where are the bug fixes? SK was running like poop this year freezing up every half second in the driver.

Midnight-Dj's picture

Wait, I thought you quit.

Fohweign-Forums's picture

Comment was on the quality of SK running this entire year, and yes I will. :(

Holy-Nightmare's picture

You know... I at least credited you with adding at least one new model in each of the gem prize boxes up till now, but the Floating Turquoise Gems are just reskins of the Peridot floating gems.

EVERYTHING in this box is reskinned, I certainly hope you are spending the time afforded by reskinning on something really nice for the game.... but... it's starting to feel like there is no hope for new content.

Corporal-Shade's picture
I'm a Wizard

Discussion: It looks like slumber to me.
Discussion(cont): I can't buy it
Discussion(end): meh.

Ironclaw-Mender's picture

"it's starting to feel like there is no hope for new content."


Falminar's picture

Actually, looking closely at the floating gems and aura's gems, those actually aren't completely reskinned. They look like it at first, though.

Autofire's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

I'm not surprised that the GMs stopped posting new threads for discussion on their prize boxes.

No, it's not because the community does it for them. I think that there is just not much that can be said about the new boxes. I wouldn't be surprised if the artists got the entire yearly cycle's round of birth-boxes (going to call them that) in a 2-5 hours total. (I think that I'm giving them too much credit even with 2 hours...but meh. Picking colors can take a while.)

Annilaton's picture
Holy rockamoly

You can create a whole gallery of fantastic art based on all the prizeboxes by now!

Holy-Nightmare's picture
@ Annilaton

I prefer to base my art on actual playable gear... http://fav.me/d8agdqm

Ironclaw-Mender's picture


l-lewd holy-sama

Annilaton's picture

Nothing makes me agree more than your post.

Holy-Nightmare's picture

Bomber-chan wants you to have a warm winterfest