Vials at the Lift

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Kamilchan's picture

The first time I saw this was when I was a Knight rank, just completed the sovereign slime when we reached the lift and everyone put a vial in their hands. I didn't want to be the odd sheep so I did the same and I've been doing it ever since after a mission or a hard floor. It's obviously a celebratory thing just to say "hey nice job everybody!" but how did it even start?

Thunder-The-Bright's picture
algorithms are the solutions to any problem.

it's pretty much fireworks. first time I saw it was on a RT run around two years ago and...
oh god it's three years since I started playing the game. oh god.

Bopp's picture
deep in beta?

People have been doing this vial thing for as long as I can remember.

Another thing people do is charge a flourish so that they can sweep across the elevator. But I remember when that started: when the flourishes were added to the game, 2011-04-27.

I suspect that the vial thing was done in beta.

Falminar's picture

It basically just makes a big colorful explosion when the level ends.


Never saw anyone Flourish-charging across an elevator. Right now, that seems to have been entirely replaced by dashing/dodging across.

Bopp's picture
flourishes less popular maybe

Maybe flourishes are less popular than they once were. Their range was nerfed for the sake of PvP. And wolvers were nerfed, making piercing weapons slightly less valuable. And Acheron was buffed, so it's quite powerful against beasts. Hmm. Well, I was tired of that move anyway.

Corporal-Shade's picture
I'm a Wizard

I used to Flourish charge across elevators because I thought it looked cool.

There's still always that one person who dashes.

Neometal's picture

less common, but troika charges and the hammer's normal attack do the same

Umbra-Lunatis's picture

-Tortodrone-bash across lift

People also do their sprite

People also do their sprite attacks right when they get on so it adds to the elevator lag. For example, Drakon fireworks

Melonfish's picture
Good old memories of setting people on fire with the Flamberge.

While we're on the subject, what is everyone's stance on throwing flame pots at people waiting on the lift? Playful disrespect or maliciously offensive griefing in general?

Bopp's picture
do they care?

Do they care? For example, if they've already used their free revival, and they're damaged, and they really want the heat from the level, then burning them might materially affect them. Otherwise it seems like playful disrespect.

Melonfish's picture
I will not argue the affliction's significance.

I like to call it a reminder to not be excessively independant on the Chaos set whenever the sentiment applies.

Autofire's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

Seriously, was I the only person who uses vials to inflict statuses?

Drakon Fireworks are pretty sweet, though.