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New Sword Idea- Status Injection

7 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Fehzor

A syringe like weapon that wraps around the knight's arm and causes A LOT of status effect. The animation is the same as the tortofists', but the execution is much different.

Basically, like one of these -

But with syringes instead of knives, and upwards of 20 syringes coming off the top.

Normal attack-

One super strong hit that deals unimaginable status- so much that it over-rides monster's ability to resist that status. Fire variant would light slags on fire, ice variant would freeze ice themed polyps, stuff like that. I believe that this is already coded into the game, and would just take setting the status bar that high. The actual damage done by this would be about the same as one hit from sudaruska's charge, and would be normal.

The range of this hit is completely awful. Enemies would have to be directly in front of the knight, like the tortofist's normal hit. It would have a combo of 1 or 2 if 1 isn't possible.


The knight smashes the ground, similar to sudaruska but sped up.. the range is, once again, rather small. This smashing hit leaves reskinned maskeraith quills that resemble syringes stuck to the enemy that last for upwards of 2 minutes. The quills in question would deal status similar to the normal to this monsters, every time it is hit.


One for each status effect would be present, similar to the haze bombs. Curse would likely not make an appearance.

An additional one could be made that doesn't do status damage, but instead does normal/piercing. This variant would be very high damage to compensate for losing out on the incredible status, and would have quills that deal tons of damage.

Portrait de Holy-Nightmare

Sounds like an interesting idea... not totally sure about the charge but I do like the idea. It would be a nice change of pace to have a new sword playstyle to master.

2 hits would be best since not all knights know about shield charging. 1 swing would force those who don't know to have to wait for the recovery animation to pass.

The quills might have to be tweaked so they only go off from direct attacks, that way Shock and Fire don't instantly all go off.

Portrait de Ironclaw-Mender

"A syringe like weapon that wraps around the knight's arm "

so like this or something?

i'm totally onboard with a syringe sword but i think it'd look better if you held it by the plunger and swung it around like a slower flourish

Portrait de Fehzor

I was thinking something more like this-

But with syringes instead of knives, and no boxing glove, and more organized looking. It would hardly be a "sword", but would still resemble something of a sword for the sake of being a sword, if you get my gist.

I added this link to the OP-

I also added an idea for a normal/piercing variant, as well as changed their damage to normal so that they'd be more universally useful.


What could be done would be for the weapon's first hit to punch (not making the knight lunge), dealing the damage component. The second hit would just be an injection that does the status.

Also, the quills not going off to fire and shock are an excellent point that I hadn't considered!

Portrait de Ironclaw-Mender

aww man but a syringe arm would look so much cooler
you can freeze enemies with your FIST

Portrait de Fangel

I remember suggesting a large syringe weapon in a sleep revamp thread a while back, so they could work. I would say however that the charge attack should basically be throwing a vial at the ground and having it explode at your feet, inflicting the said status.

If you do this, I'd say a pure normal variant that has a sealed-sword esk charge attack (random status) would be neat. No status on the normal hits however, except maybe stun.

Instead of making range short, give it brandish range. That way, we don't have a status-inflicting slow cutter. 2 hit combo, fair damage, but a very precise range (flourish 2nd hit area of affect but brandish range) would make it not fall completely behind swords of other types. Add the randomized status to the stun variant and blam, unique and fun weapons.

Portrait de Jenovasforumchar

i like it. I also wanted to made a post with Status weapons included, but till now it is just gathering dust in my notes

Portrait de Holy-Nightmare