Bug report failed!

3 replies [Last post]
Dracora-Speaking's picture

It seems I am unable to submit bug reports via F2 in game. After I click "submit bug report," a few moments pass and the blue text in the bottom-left corner says "Bug report failed!"

This has happened every time I've tried for the past several hours.

Something going on? How to fix? Anyone else currently have this issue?

:| It's not fun to bug report the bug report system :P

Dracora-Speaking's picture

Support says they are aware of the issue and trying to fix it.

Vohtarak-Forum's picture
yeah ive been getting that too

at least the irony is a bit funny

Same problem

I have the same problem, im trying to send a god damn bug repport on how i cannot connect to lockdown at all even though there is players playing and the bug wont send. Really stopping my progress and making me not want to play the game