Spiral Knights is dying

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Sonosuke's picture

[thread name].

Spiral Knights has been dying.

Spiral Knights has been dying ever since the game was conceptualized.

In fact, all games slowly die ever since conception. As I type and as you read this, we humans are dying.

I don't remember SK ever being granted the special privilege of people announcing it's death every week.

So why don't you all just suck it up and play the game to its deathbed rather than complain and worry for months on end about its current state. Or take a third option and stop playing it, for those who just can't help but whine nonstop.

~ Sono the Forum Idiot

Legendarycobra's picture
sk is dying thread #42803

sk is dying thread #42803

Holy-Nightmare's picture
Games may die but the idea

Games may die but the idea doesn't have to.
The plumber and the princess.....
Courage, Wisdom, and Power
The final never ending fantasy
A combat of heroes and villains

Juvon's picture


Foxbyte's picture

Was this really necessary? I feel like these kinds of threads perpetuate the IDEA (im not saying it is) that SK is dead just as much as the actual doomsayer threads.

Oopsay's picture

After 6 years, THIS GAME ISNT DEAD. So calm down. This game will live if we let it, these threads kill it whether we're saying its not or it is.

Corporal-Shade's picture
I'm a Wizard

Shut up! Damnit! I'm so damn tired of these damn SK is Dying Threads damnit.
Why don't you damn well spend your damn time counting to the damn number 6000, damnit.

Oh yeah? The rage? I don't get very angry unless I get hit by a Kleptolisk during Winterfest. But that hardly makes me angry. Just get the gist, please.

Edit: lol jk

Not Edit: I will find you.

King-Of-Echoes's picture

Here comes the pointless thread about Spiral Knights dying. Sir, we know Spiral Knights is dying from the thousands of other threads about Spiral Knights dying.

Corporal-Shade's picture
I'm a Wizard


The-Royal-Jelly's picture
if we hate it...

then lets stop bumping these? XD