
6 replies [Last post]

Since there are armor costumes, why not shield and weapon costumes?

Wqkipedia's picture

Move this to suggestions.

Corporal-Shade's picture
I'm a Wizard

Yeah no. Your Striker can't be firing off Gran Faust projectiles and attacking slowly. That would just be too weird.
What, do you like the look of Aegis or something, and don't like the look of the 2-4* Owlite Shield's? Reskins are way cooler.

Falminar's picture

And it isn't weird if proto armor makes you move and attack slowly, have stun resistance, and have a lot of defense and health?

But it's weird if a fast sword with a 10-hit combo shoots projectiles, has a 2-hit combo, and inflicts curse?

Fangel's picture
Nah to weapons

You decipher friendlies' playstyle via their weapons, not their armor. I don't know if you're brandish charge spamming if I don't see a brandish, however it doesn't matter to me if you're brandish charges in ancient plate, or brandish charging in chaos.

Shield costumes wouldn't really bother me, as again, it doesn't matter what shield you're using to me. Only odd part would be tortoshield shield bashes, so I might stick with reskins for now.

Inquistitive-Ego's picture
Lore hound shut down!

Hmmmm neh. First of all no, and second of all no and here's why. Echoing what Fangel said, If someone brings a blast bomb but is using a haze bomb reskin, how are you to know that the enemies are going to get blown across the room instead of frozen in place? This idea sounds fine at first, but opens up so many problems for everyone it wouldn't be worth it. Besides, if I like the look of the Celestial Vortex (which I do, we need recipes for those) but own a snarbie bomb instead, why would I go and spend insane amounts of money on a 5* bomb just to make my 2* bomb prettier? here's another idea. Why not weapon/shield accessories? Now that is something I would invest in. Can anyone else envision my Dark chaingun with a Heavy/Frosty/Hallow Extra magazine?.... IN fact, I'm going to start the thread now...

Bopp's picture
shield though

I agree that costuming weapons doesn't make much sense. But I don't see any reason not to costume shields.

And please re-read post #1.