I'm mostly curious, but what was the highest that energy prices got to in the past? Because at this point (10.9K Cr = 100E), it's now cheaper to get orbs of all star levels off AH than it is to convert energy to buy them off the Depot, even if by at least 20 cr.
On Current Energy Prices
Check out this detailed data set:
Prices have exceeded 9,500 only in a few rare, spiky instances. Ignoring the spikes, prices have been generally climbing for the past two years or so.
CE price has been near 10k for weeks now (~1 month). There's a giant gap in the dates for this month in that spreadsheet. In fact, I called it back in mid-november, saying the game masters wanted CE to be 10kcr for 100e, since they repeatedly put promos on supply depo while energy was already at prices prior to their November 1st sale. They only do AH sales when it's a PR issue (When cheshireccat whines about it, not when the pricing bubble starts). They made up for it by deliberately putting promos on depo to paywall energy more. I don't see evidence to the contrary on this. I've been told repeatedly they do AH sales "when fit for the game" but the "when fit" part seems to be "when people start whining about the increasing prices" publicly enough. The current issue is that there is still more energy going out than into the game, since almost no one is buying energy with irl cash, even at 11kcr prices. The game died enough that the employees either need to make a new permanent crown sink or it'll go to 50kcr for 100e pretty soon. I don't think the employees realize that letting this go on will drive out returning players and is not how you get people to spend again. You let players spend when they feel it's fit, not by locking out the economy and radiants.
Yes, I know that the chart doesn't cover the most recent history. But it covers most of Spiral Knights' history, so it's probably valuable in answering Sono-Forum's question.
The rest of your post is fine, but it doesn't need to be addressed to me.
I mean, to be honest, energy prices being at 9k is sort of predictable, with elite difficulty being out for a few years and thus crowns are being generated in mass, the price of energy going up was bound to happen. The fact that we have an energy shortage on top of that means we're getting higher prices. The current price hitch is still sort of left over from cyber monday though.
I've given my own personal solutions to solving this in the past (be it another crown sink, or a better one would be alternating promos between energy bundle and standalone boxes), but really 10k crowns per 100 energy isn't too bad for end-game, however it is off-putting to newer players.
I've recommended putting promos on featured auctions instead of directly bought with irl cash. In addition, they can re-release older promos this way in parallel to new promos, as well as change prices and quantity on a per-promo basis.
Also, hold-overs don't last an entire month and inflate back up and sustain spike price. There's more energy going out than into the market by a large amount every day.
In my experience, the E price will mirror the average FSC payout. According to Lancer Knightz, the FSC payout on elite is ~9.5k cr, and for the longest time the E price has hovered around there. Events like winterfest always screw up the energy price. If I had to guess, late-game players want to craft reskins and/or need sparks to get through Grinchling Assault. Thus they need more energy to make more purchases from the supply depot. Give it a few weeks and I'll bet that it drops back to the mid 9k range. At worse (assuming OOO doesn't change the payout), the E price will get to 12.5k cr as people realize that the tokens are worth 1k cr each.
Although I did once see the E price reach 15k because someone very rich was trolling.
The Lowest: 800cr
The Highest: 12,200cr
Spikes happen, but prices are now 9-10k. Be patient with it, its up and down. We'll never see 800cr again though.
When was energy 800 crowns? Deep in beta? I do not remember any such thing since launch, but I am happy to be educated.
That was Alpha-Beta. When CE first came out it was 800 per each, sorry for being a oldie :3
Judging by how quickly energy went back up after the November 1st AH sale, I'd disagree about it ever going down for extended periods of time unless the company makes a new crown sink.
Prices are controlled by supply and demand. For the past couple months demand has been outstripping supply. Prices are set by competition. There's inflation because current prices aren't supplying buyers with the amount of energy they want. Price fixing only works if all the players participate in it and are ok with over or under buying energy.
As a multimillionaire in SK, I'm taking the opportunity now to liquidate all of my assets since Steam prices are 75% off for many games that I'm looking for.
Even if energy prices go down to 5k after Winterfest (while keeping in mind that they didn't even crash as usual after last year), it still wouldn't pay off. Now's the time to say bye bye to SK forever and move on to playing other games that are a lot more fun.
I mean to put it simply, I have spent almost 1000 hours playing SK.
I could easily get more than 1000 hours out of playing new games, and I wouldn't even feel like I'm grinding anymore. There is no point whatsoever to hold onto a single crown in this game.
Seriously, thousands of games are on sale on Steam. I wouldn't be surprised if energy prices doubled the price they are right now. There's a huge windfall opportunity to be made.
Yeah... I'm in the same boat, feel free to add me.
You uh.
You can just edit your posts instead of triple posting.
Unless you accidentally tripled posted and are covering that up by saying the same thing three times.
Though, congrats on playing Spiral Knights until you feel you've gotten everything out of it. Many players have done what you've done, and will do what you've done. Personally I'll keep trudging along happily until I feel I need a break and then take that break, potentially come back, take a break, etc. Happy travels.
Was talking more at Nolidor who triple posted. When no-one else has replied to your comment yet, it's typically better to simply edit your post instead of inflating the thread's comments.
I think we should raise the price of energy higher honestly. Makes OOO more money and creates an incentive for players to grind for orbs. Since the goal behind these prices should clearly be to get players to interact with me when I log on and give OOO money so that the servers don't go down it all works out.
"As a multimillionaire in SK, I'm taking the opportunity now to liquidate all of my assets"
I mean it's only as much of an investment banking simulator as you make it. If you really only cared about making small virtual profits you'd have liquidated your everything and left long ago.
either one or two winterfests ago it got to around 11 to 12kcr for 100 energy