Make your favorite media sound as terrible as possible!

It doesn't have to be your favorite game, just a game you like, though it's perfered you do your favorite games.
No SK because we all know that would be "Prizebox Simulator."

2D minecraft clone. (Terraria)
JRPG decides to make you do the mapping for it. (Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight)
Telletubbies run around and fight things. (The Denpamen series in general)
Blond Swordsman #3052984, the big breasts lady, I-don't-know-if-I'm-allowed-to-say-his-name-but-it-starts-with-an-h-and-ends-with-an-r, and Linkle go on a quest to defeat the kitten overlords. (Epic Battle Fantasy 4)
@Oohnorak Badland is more like "post apocalyptic flappy bird."

it sounds worse as what I said (plus its not very close to flappy bird at all, and its not post-apocalyptic)

I think you misunderstood me when I said terrible. You're supposed to make people think "that sounds worse than ET for the Atari," not "only a heartless person with no friends would play that."

you would still have to be realistic about it, and badland really isnt anything like what you suggested

-Freedom Planet
Everyone is from Sonic.
-Hotline Miami 2
If looks could kill, that would be an accurate way to describe this game.
-Max Payne
Max Payne kills anyone that gets near him.

Spiral Knights: Shadows with eyes drawn on them land on an alien planet and kill everything.
Slime Rancher: Throw food at blobs of goo and collect their poop. (That's what everyone calls Plorts...)

Because I don't want everybody to just do one game.

-Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Shoot people.
-Resident Evil 4
Shoot people.
-Grand Theft Auto V
Shoot people.
-Spongebob thing
Shoot people.
-Tactical Assassin 1-3
Shoot people.
-Metal Gear Solid 2
Shoot people.
-Metal Gear Solid 3
Shoot people.
-Metal Gear
Shoot people.
-Metal Gear 2
Shoot people.

Warframe: Space Ninjas mug aliens for their body parts to use them in battle
Half-Life 1: Superman in a lab coat mugs aliens for their body parts to use them in battle
World of Warcraft: Racism against fictional species simulator 2016
Pokemon: Forcing sentient creatures to kill each other for sport
Minecraft: a game about (survival mode only, creative mode has no flaws) killing other things and using their remains to clothe yourself, played by six year olds and made by a man who didn't believe in circles.

A glitch-infested game rife with fake difficulty, where your character may well be gimped right from the start because of something you couldn't possibly have foreseen, and where the player base is often seen utterly ignoring the story.
-Dungeons & Dragons Online (It's tough, it's got some glitches lying around, it's got a lot of speed runners, and dagnabbit I love it)
The sequel to an amazing game, this sequel sucks out all the depth from its main method of character development, while forcing you to rely on game-breakingly overpowered characters to get past its obscenely difficult stages.
-Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
A game often seen as easy, and for good reason; the final boss can be killed within four minutes of starting a new game. The game's gimmick makes the developers think they can get away with a small world map in an RPG, apparently. Also, don't get used to the canon, because the sequel might as well have flushed it down the crapper!
-Chrono Trigger (mentions Chrono Cross)
A game where, after level after level of platforming hell, your success or failure hinges on whether you remembered some tiny details that you may not have even seen. And if you lost, you've got to replay the entire finale over again!
-You Have to Win the Game
You know your reliable, loyal party, who you may well have grown attached to over the course of the game? They all suck in comp. Never use them.
-Pokemon series (Honestly, a method of raising IVs is long overdue)

another CoD, but instead of 12 year olds its salty people insulting you in spanish
also, shoot people

XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Game where you are led by a shady bald guy and a stupid moron
XCOM: Enemy Within DLC
Crappy DLC that adds a new class and gives your team magic powers
Stupid game that kills two of your units in the tutorial
Hard West
Western game that has demons for some reason

Super Mario Bros.
A game where a fat, possibly slightly crazy Italian plumber with superhuman jumping abilities stomps on brown mushrooms and eats suspicious red mushrooms to drop a turtle into lava to find a princess just sitting there to say "your quest is over".
Legend of Zelda
A game where a 12-year-old kid is dropped in the forest and an old man gives him a sword to go kill a pig with.
Animal fighting.
'Nuff said.
Lego that you can die in.
Team Fortress 2
Hat simulator.
Also, not a game, but...
Finding Nemo
A movie where a man's wife is murdered and son kidnapped and he has to find him aided by a mentally unstable woman.
Just putting that there.

Is it good? Because if it's not good I'm just sticking with the movie.
I have the gamecube one, and i am not even sure if to recommend or not...?
Jump-n-shoot man, also gutsman's butt
-Mother 3
It didm't even reach outside of japan
"Hurr hurr, muh furst gen pundering, hurr hurr"

2D lego in space kinda
A kid beats up hippies
Phoenix Wright (the whole series)
Lawyer simulator
Papers, please
Border officer simulator

Geometry Dash
A game where you can beat or create platform levels. But for more advanced people, you can even make a whole game... inside another game. Yep. That's what GD is now.
Garry's Mod
Realistic Minecraft.
Five Nights At Freddys Sister Location
FNAF but you don't spend the whole game sitting in your office.

you destroy the enviroment and go around killing stuff. and everything is made of cubes.

An RPG except leveling up like a normal person gets you the bad ending.
Super Mario RPG
Mario where jumping on guys doesn't kill them
Final Fantasy 1
Grinding simulator
Mother 1
Grinding simulator
Basically any NES era RPG
Grinding simulator
Breath of the Wild
3D Zelda 1 but with nothing to do
Paper Mario
All our 3D modellers didn't show up this week
Super Paper Mario
Half a Paper Mario
Sticker Star
Sticker Star
Color Splash
Sticker Star 2
Splatoon / Splatoon 2
Paintball squids
Super Metroid

Stardew Valley: Hope you like vegetables
Portal: Break the rules of space, essentially LIMITLESS POWER, to....... solve simple puzzles
Team Fortress 2: Hope you like being set on fire, that's gonna happen a lot
Overwatch: Bastion & Mei
And my super combo:
Minecraft: Lego you can die in
Terraria: 2D Lego you can die in
Starbound: 2D Lego you can die in in space
Subnautica: Lego you can die in as a water level
Stranded Deep: Lego you can die in as a water level but with less stuff to do

Count to 7000: Get some sense of accomplishment as you procrastinate from doing anything that actually matters
The Childrens Verbal Fisticuffs: Forget the good parts of your childhood
waiter there's ____ in my soup: Make your own food inedible
I stole the cookie game: Commit genocide for the sake of making an ultimately pointless robbery successful
Make your favorite games sound as terrible as possible!: Reverse nostagia goggles

Non-Standard Lemonade Stand: Why are there RPG mechanics in a lemonade stand simulator!?
Agent Flint's Generic RPG: There is nothing special about this RPG. It is entirely generic. Go play something else.
Redundant RPG: There is nothing special about this RPG. It is entirely generic. Go play something else.
Abnormal CaKe SiMuLaToR: Why are there RPG mechanics in a cake shop simulator!?
Planet Crasher: Literally minecraft
The Three Boxes [?] [?] [?]: You have no control over what happens to you except the illusion of choice from one of the boxes, realistically there are only a few potential things that can happen to you decided by what the person in front of you puts in the boxes
I'm taking the 100th thread as well: WHYYYYYYY PIIIIIIIII

Old guy sneakin through dark and bullying enemies in pajamas and VR

Blowing up the entire map with a rocket stuffed with crabs (Cortex Command)
2D MOBA with ridiculous characters, from an action hero without trousers to a flying camera boi (Awesomenauts)
Make some humans (or aliens) and watch them do the usual life stuff and have emotions (The Sims 4)
Make weapon, go to practice range, upgrade weapon, repeat (Weapons Genius)
Every explosion sound is derived from old Minecraft (Endorlight)
Run around, touch nodes, create colored walls and hope the enemies fall for it (Laser League)
Build a robot, drive it into battle, get wrecked by a microbot (Robocraft Infinity)
Get into a cannon and get launched by a friend (Sea of Thieves)

Harvest Moon, but you give people gifts by throwing stuff at their face and then you go beat up helpless animals. Also you can be a pedophile. (Rune Factory 4)

Fire Emblem: Hope you like crits.
Fire Emblem 2: Hope you like crits.
Fire Emblem 3: Hope you like crits.
Fire Emblem 4: Hope you like crits.
Fire Emblem 5: Hope you like crits.
Fire Emblem 6: Hope you like crits.
Fire Emblem 7: Hope you like crits.
Fire Emblem 8: Hope you like crits.
Fire Emblem 9: Hope you like crits.
Fire Emblem 10: Hope you like crits.
Fire Emblem 11: Hope you like crits.
Fire Emblem 12: Hope you like crits.
Fire Emblem 13: Hope you like crits.
Fire Emblem 14: Phoenix Mode
Bayonetta & Bayonetta 2
Murder the most unconventional ideas of angels (and sometimes demons) known to man.
reaper (tale of a pale swordsman)
all of your friends die and you reject your only purpose in life
neko atsume
luring cats into your yard/home and taking stalker pics
badland (by frogmind)
shredding and torturing birbs