Birdsong Giveaway problems (in my opionion)

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I personally think that only 37 winners is not fair when people can win up to 4-6 times and some people such as myself have yet to win even once. Can this be fixed please so that others can have a chance of getting the prizes instead of the same people over and over again?

Bopp's picture
equal chance

As far as I'm aware, everyone who is online at the time of the giveaway has an equal chance of winning that giveaway. Do you have evidence to the contrary?

Under this system, it is possible but improbable for one player to win multiple times. Do you have evidence that this has happened?

Is your solution to exclude players who have already won from winning again?

Erikcat's picture

Don't blame the system, blame your bad luck.

It is very unlikely that OOO made a system that favored players. Odds are, those players are online more frequently, thus able to get more loot. :/


Well, to think the moment I complain about it I win. lol Nevermind.

Fangel's picture

See there are some people who win multiple times a year, but far more people who haven't won once over several years. Thing is it's just based on luck and participation, and to be honest it's fine.

They used to be hourly but now they're about 45 minutes or so? Makes it harder for people to log on for a minute to try to get a prize then leave.