Predict the next T3 boss rewards

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Abelisk's picture

Several months back, one of the moderators interrupted a topic on the forums with something to do with upcoming T3 boss rewards. Not only that, but in the latest mission (the dialogue after the Dreams and Nightmares mission), Kora is saying she'll have more missions once we're "ready". Obviously, after an update. This is the update we're all waiting for.

Predict what rewards will come from the upcoming T3 boss!

My predictions:

- Overcharged Mixmaster will be available in a new skin/name

- New bomb

- New sword

-New armor and helm

Fehzor's picture

The update we're all waiting for? I thought that was the arcade redux and has been since the game came out...... oh, you meant the update we're going to receive.

Mixmaster would be an interesting boss reward but IDK if I'd approve of it there. It'd make a really nice T2 boss reward, more than a T3 one- it's incredibly easy to use and relatively powerful, but only goes to med range. Compared to say, the alchemers, which are challenging to use and work well at long range.