As a veteran with around 2000 hours in this game, i feel responsible to bring up to OOO and SEGA ( who ruined the game itself ) this:
I gave up on this game around one year ago. Reason? Y'all know. Almost no updates and every 2 weeks a brand new reskined box with useless scrap.
How much you think you can milk the cow, OOO?
Let's be realistic. This game is DEAD as it can be. With only 500-700 players daily, most of them newbs becose 90% of veterans are all gone.
What's up with you devs trying to keep it alive? It's pure non-sense.
The arcade section of the game is...literally the same as it was back in beta, god damn it. MORE THAN 4 YEARS AGO. Do you even realize how much time is that, OOO?
Back then when mist energy was a thing it was a little bit annoying. Being able to play one hour per day was not a good start but i still gave it a shot.
For the first...let's say 2 years it was fun-ish. But then when you decided to disable the ME it was great, endless adventure, so good, right?
No. Why? With one hand you gave us that and with the other you took the fun away by bringing up the forge system.
Tell me OOO, do you know that it takes around one month to level up a 5* gear?
Of course you do. I mean, how could that pass the Q/A. Apparently it did.
The PvP is broken, the PvE is boring, the missions are repetitve as hell, the story is just not there, the sprites are ridiculously underpowered.
How can a lvl 100 dragon, the offensive pet, not be able to kill one enemy, stationary enemy, in end game? HOW?
I lvl'ed all 3 up to 100 becose i had a scrap tone of minerals.
They are useless, but in some way cute. I give you that.
I'm here to remind people to not spend any more money in this steaming pile of scrap.
[No personal attacks please]
I'm here to remind that most of the players are there to get that ugly TF2 hat.
I'm here to remind you that grinding one level that takes 40-50mins all day long is not fun.
I'm here becose of you. I'm your conscience.
I'm here to oblige OOO shut down the game. It deserves respect for what it was a few years ago. Now? It's like a bucket. If you want to have "fun", you pay. Fun meaning not spend one month to lvl a piece of gear.
We are who we are and that define us.
We are A.
We do not.
We do not.
Edit: Filtered the language and removed the personal attacks.
I hope you don't think you're special.