Just wanna thank everyone who is reducing their prices on the market. It's still now 4k, but it's back to profitable to dive on CE. I'm prolly gonna play an extra 2 hours just to celebrate ^_^ diving on ce off the market.
Price of CE coming down ^_^
Won't stay that way so get ready to sell for profit!

OMG!! Sell all your CE now before it hits 5k!
Yeah, people didn't just decide to sell their CE for less. Spiral Knights was added to Steam and got a bunch of new players who are used to paying money for the games they play, so there's more paying players, more CE available, more competition to sell, lower prices. I kind of expected it to have some effect on the market, but this much this fast sure surprised me.

It's kinda cool, what a few people who aren't afraid to shell out some worthless dollars can do to a games economy.

I bought a bunch of CE at 6650 CR with the idea of selling it when it hit 6800 or 6900 CR. Now the price is down to 5700 CR and I don't have any CR left to buy it with.
I fail at market speculation forever. ._.
To be fair, you had no idea SK was about to be released on Steam. Don't beat yourself up over it- sometimes things just happen. *pats*

Eh, it always seems to happen when I get cocky enough to think that I can make some easy money. It just means I'll have to do some Clockworks runs for CR while I wait for CE prices to rise again. It'll probably get back to the 7K mark after a while, it'll just take longer than I originally expected.
You can always "dollar down average"
So you bought a bunch at 6650, now it's down to 5700 - if you grind out that CE for approx 6k per 100 and rebuy the ce at the current market price you'll have averaged your loss out to a net of approx 6200 per 100 ce.

Spiral Knights was added to Steam and got a bunch of new players who are used to paying money for the games they play, so there's more paying players, more CE available, more competition to sell, lower prices
I suspect that it is the large influx of *new* players that made the most difference, rather than that they are players that are used to paying real money for games. New players have yet to find out just how easy it is to accumulate crowns in the clockworks, and they want to buy all those 2*/3* things that they see on the auction house.
In a few weeks, most of these players will have progressed and we will be back to 7k cr/100CE prices.

I think what I'll do is spend every CR I can save up on CE, and then hold onto it until the price goes up again. Might take a few weeks and it keeps my CR tied up in CE for that time, but I'm not really using it for anything else at the moment anyway.
Only down 800 CR but I'll still take it! there were like 150 offers @ 6000 when I first logged in seems to be on the rise again.